Saturday, June 6, 2020

When Katharine Hepburn Vacationed Here

Katharine Hepburn, touring the Piper plant on June 13, 1940

“Whether the visit of the famous movie star, clad in a bright scarf and a light gray corduroy jacket in addition to her slacks, put a brake on the production speed with which the Cub factory is diving into its big backlog of orders, it gave the Piper men a bright memory and impressed Miss Hepburn,”  - The Lock Haven Express

In June of 1940, Katharine made a trip with her friends the Hardings, to stay at their Ogontz Lodge near Salladasburg.  It was a trip she made several times over the years.

Ogontz Lodge was built by Jay Cooke.  His granddaughter married a Harding, and by 1940, the lodge was owned by Cooke's great grandson, and his wife Laura - who was one of Katharine Hepburn's close friends.

On June 13 1940, as Katharine and Laura explored the nearby town of Lock Haven, Katharine, an amateur pilot herself expressed an interest in touring the Piper plant to see how the planes were made.  A tour was arranged, and she was offered a ride in one, but she declined. She's reported as commenting  that “It’s marvelous the way they turn them out.”

The Express reported that she was friendly to everyone on the production line, and talked with them about fishing. She wasn't having much luck herself, and commented that the fish must not like movies. “We think she is a modest and freckle-faced lady who can’t quite see why people get such a kick out of seeing her in the flesh and wishes she could be left alone, off-stage and off-screen, to do what she pleases,”  the Express reported.

Visiting Cohicks Store 

Mildred Cohick remembers  Katharine Hepburn - "She first came here when my youngsters were all little.  It must have been 1938 or 39.  She drove a horse and buggy in here from Ogontz lodge.  She was wonderful"

Hepburn's Stool  At Cohicks Trading Post
The trading post had a sundae named after Hepburn consisting of butter pecan ice cream with chocolate sauce and a cherry.

In 2015, Cohicks Trading Post became the Waltz Dairy. The stools now hang on the wall in the back dining area.

Others who stayed at Ogontz Lodge include: Herbert Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, D.C. Moody, Sam Stintson, Robert Stark, and Fred Chandler (owner of the Phillies).  


Hepburn is featured somewhere on this Pilato Mural, if anyone knows exactly where, please let me know!



 Piper Aviation



Red Grange

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