Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Muncy Opera House


The Muncy Opera House is located at 7 East Water Street, Muncy Pa

For many years, the  Opera House was the center of town activities, hosting dances, socials, and many meetings.  Orchestras, and plays performed there.  In 1909, boxing matches were held there.  

Billiards, inside the Opera House

By 1904, The Mozley Opera House was showing Motion Pictures

In September of 1913, J.M. Wolfe of Montgomery purchased the Muncy Opera House From Willard C. Mozley.  The building is frequently referred to as the Mozley Opera House.

The Opera House in the 1990s.  The building to the left, an auto parts store, has been torn down.  That area is now a vacant lot at the intersection.  [This building is  across the street from the Turkey Hill gas station]

Over the years, the building has housed stores, restaurants, and apartments.  The bay window on the right was added sometime later, possibly when it was used as an apartment.

Many efforts have been made to restore the building, but it is situated in the flood zone, and needs many repairs.

More Stories & History From Muncy Pa

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