Sunday, April 25, 2021

The I.O.O.F Orphanage in Sunbury PA

The I.O.O.F operated an orphanage on Snydertown Road in Sunbury, from 1897 to 1970.
The orphanage had it's own school, band, football team, baseball team,  farm,  chapel and  train station.  While researching the orphanage, I read countless stories of many happy times at this facility. Those who attended there held an annual reunion, for decades, on the Sunday of  Labor Day week-end.
The FLT stamped on many photos is from the I.O.O.F. Logo - "Friendship, Love And Truth"
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows., or I.O.O.F,  is an international fellowship based on service to the needy. For many years, the organization devoted significant resources to running orphanages for the children of its members who had lost a parent.  In 1896, seeing the need for an orphanage on the eastern side of the state, Chapters in 24 different counties came together to form a committee to create a new orphanage.

"This committee held a meeting on or about the eighth of November and a majority was present. Several persons appeared and offered properties for sale. The committee visited four or five farms and  after considerable thought on the subject it was decided to recommend the purchase of the Hoover farm at $6,000.00. The Board of Directors  adopted the report of the Committee and ordered the purchase of the property. We paid $25 on the day the article was signed, $1,975 on or about the first day of February and the balance on the first day of April.  1897, when possession was given. "

This decision was not without controversy. The Item reported on a meeting of 80 representatives from 26 counties  meeting to discuss the orphanage location. "I.N. Johns presented his credentials and was admitted as the representative of Lodge 620 in place of S.B. Boyer.  About 20 representatives went to the Hoover farm on the 10:20 train on a tour of inspection... In the afternoon the location of the orphanage was brought up and a spirited debate indulged in. The matter was not settled with the Item went to press." Dec 11 1896

Mr Boyer,  who did not attend the meeting, preferred the selection of a different property. He wrote a scathing letter to the Daily Item in December of 1896.  A week later, Mr Miller replied, disputing Boyers claims and suggesting he resign from the committee.  In his letter, he mentions that when the vote was taken, it was unanimous, all 24 representatives in favor of the location, which was conveniently located along the railroad.

 John L. Miller and his wife took charge of the property as soon as possession was given. We now 
had a farm but no money to purchase furniture for the house or equipment for the farm. We were very fortunate in having a brother at the head of the enterprise who had a little loose cash; so Brother Miller advanced, approximately $3,000.00 for these necessities.

"The Rebekah Lodges came to our assistance at the right time, as they always do, and furnished many things that were needed. During the first summer, owing to the small amount of money at our command, but little aid was given to the Matron. She did the general housework; milked the cows; did the scrubbing and the washing; did the baking for the Home; performed the duties of a farmer's wife in addition to looking after the comfort and welfare of Wards and the Home. ALL HONOR TO THIS NOBLE, GOD FEARING, UNSELFISH WOMAN. "

"During the year 1898 the Building Committee got busy and the capacity of the Home was doubled. A summer house was situated a few feet west and a little north of the main building. These buildings were connected and enlarged, making a very nice structure and ample for the accommodation of fifty children. A nicely proportioned school room was provided in the northeast corner of the main extension, now used as a play room by the kindergarten department of the Home. When necessity required this room was used as an extra sleeping apartment. "

Many fruit trees were planted on the property in 1898.  "When we purchased the farm the public road was close to the building and a deep water course extended between the barn and the summer house ; stake-and-rider and post-and-rail fences were all over the property and were not in good condition. This year saw all the old fences taken away; the public road changed to a point about 125 feet south of the old road and a driveway made to the new station from the new road. "

The original by-laws limited the age of children to 16 years.  In 1900, the by laws were changed to allow children to stay through the age of 18.

A lay house was built east of the main building, in 1900. 

In 1908 "Electric light lines were run from East Sunbury on our own poles so that we could enjoy the long desired convenience. ".  The new brick building began construction in April of 1908.

1911 -  "A dental outfit was purchased and a room fitted up for the care of the children's teeth. A Sunbury dentist came at stated times."

In 1922, wings were added on the East & West sides of the building.

The Railroad
One of the selling points for the orphanages location was its proximity to the railroad. Both children, and visitors, would arrive at the orphanage by train, and as such, the back of the building, which faced the railroad, was the front, in the early years.
In 1898 the orphanage sold a piece of ground 60 feet by 176 feet to the Pennsylvania Railroad. 

 A station was erected there, and named Orphanage.

  The old stop had been  about a quarter of a mile further east,  named "Bright."

In the late 1980s, the Orphanage Train station was moved to Lewisburg, along route 15, Delta Place Station.

The Farm
The original property came with a barn, which was lost in a fire in 1911, along with the chapel.

 The Zimmerman farm bordering on the east, was purchased for $5,000 in 1913, and a new barn was erected there.  A new silo was erected in 1916.  The farm contained 279 acres.  The dairy sold about 3500 quarts of milk a month in Sunbury. 

In 1916, the Home owned about fifty head of cattle. Butter was made on the farm in 1916, but in 1917 it was decided to just sell the milk and purchase butter.
Prior to 1917, the extra milk, not needed by the home, had been sold to a dealer.  
 Superintendent  Chubbuck concluded that more money could be made by selling the milk 
 to the consumer, and in 1917, the Orphanage began running a milk truck to Sunbury.  That continued until 1928.  

"For several years milk was sold in Sunbury by our boys, and a fairly  good route established. It was resolved to discontinue the business of  selling milk and to keep only the number of cows needed for our own use. "

The barn was destroyed in a fire in 1965. 

The barn was rebuilt after the 65 fire.

The Band
In 1906, the children performed plays and musical performances, to help raise money towards the new building program.  An official orphanage band was not formed until 1914.

"At the July meeting in 1914 it was resolved to have a Band  composed of the requisite number of our Home boys. Brother W. H. Calhoun was chosen Instructor.  The cost of instruments uniforms, music and instruction amounted to $1,584. "

1917 "The Band and the Orchestra were kept busy filling engagements throughout the State. The receipts from these trips amounted to $2,559.79 during the year. A letter was  written from Gordon, Pa., by Brother A. J. Moyer after the Band had visited that town and a little part of a paragraph is quoted to show the  effect on many of our people: 

"I have never heard nor seen the Orphanage Band before, owing to press of business, but when I heard and saw those boys, a strange feeling crept into my heart — a feeling that is not common to the hearts of old bachelors like myself; those boys, how can I describe them — mannerly little gentlemen of the old school. It does not take the eye of an expert to see that the morale of the Home must be 
simply perfect." 

 Mr. Calhoun, the Band Master and Teacher, was paid $75 per month, and he agreed to pay his own traveling expenses, " and give us all the time we required, and in addition to looking after the interests of the Band, he agreed to instruct a girls' orchestra. "

 On June 10 1925,  the Orchestra broadcasted a  mixed program from Station WHBG, Harrisburg. "The Band had 26 pieces and was doing remarkably good work."

Girls Orchestra, 1918

Other Activities
A  Boy Scout Company with 40 members was organized at the Home. The entire outfit of 
uniforms was given by the Rotary Club of Sunbury. 

Photo is labeled "Military Baseball Game"

Photo Labeled "Three links" - looks to be a flag day parade

"In the summer of 1915 moving pictures were taken of our Home and its surroundings, the children, the officers, the directors and visitors. These have been on exhibition in many localities throughout the state and have brought a nice sum to our treasury as well as being a great advertising medium. "

"The celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary was held September 4, 1916, and was a grand success, about 5,000 being present. The sisters of the Rebekah branch of our Order took a great interest in ar- 
ranging for and serving the refreshments. The hearts of the members of the Committee were made glad and all felt that the occasion would be an incentive to all to do more work for our Order, for our Home, for our Brother and for our Brother's child. "

1922 - The Ravine just north of the West Hall was nicely cleaned and tables and fireplace were arranged so that visitors could have a pleasant outing at any time. 

"Mrs. Williams, who had charge of the sewing room, gave the older girls the opportunity of learning to sew, and some of them did work which was very commendable. Our older girls have always been given a chance to gain some knowledge of cooking and general housework. "

Dedication Day
June 17 1909
"The Home family moved to the new building on December 24, 1908. What a glorious Christmas for the Home ! Quite a change from the old ! Many comforts and conveniences are enjoyed in the new not known in the old. Here is a Home in the country with all the equipment's enjoyed in our city residences, including steam heat, electric light, sewerage system and electric power. Truly the Lord has directed our steps. "

"The New Orphanage Near Sunbury Was Dedicated Today Under Cloudy Skies 

The Program, as Printed Yesterday Was Successfully Carried Out. Although the weather appeared threatening and the sun was conspicuous by its, absence, the expected large crowd of Odd Fellows and visitors, attended the dedication ceremonies of the new building at the Odd Fellows Orphanage to-day.
 Although special trains were put into service to carry the visitors to the Orphanage, it was found necessary to add extra coaches to the regular morn ing and afternoon, trains in order to accommodate the large number of people. A special train from Williamsport was run to this place and a special train of six cars was run from Sunbury. A special train from Mt. Carmel over the Pennsy carried the people from the coal regions 

The program as printed in Tues day's Item, was carried out in every detail and the dedication of the new building marked an event in Odd Fellowship in Pennsylvania, and great credit is due all those who worked so untiringly and contributed of their time and money to make the occasion such a gratifying success.:

 . .. . The exercises started at 10:80 o'clock in the morning, with a parade from the old building . and was a very inspiring sight and one of the .features of the big day. 
The program of exercises at the dedication ceremony was as follows:
 Opening Ode of the Order, sung by members and children ; 
ritualistic ceremony by the Grand Master and his staff of officers ; 
address by J. S. Montgomery, of Philadelphia;
 music , by band ; song, by children;
 address, by Mrs. Hattie Mandel;song, by the children ;
 addresses, by B. H. Hart, of Harrisburg. E. C. Wagner, of Girardville, and J. W. Stroh, of Sunbury.
 A drilling exercise by the Cantons closed the ceremonies. 
 All in all it was a long-to-be re membered event in the history of the great Order of Odd Fellows."


The School
A room in the home was designated as the school room, until  1902 the play house was converted into a school house, and the school room in the main building was made into a boys dormitory. In 1912, a new school building was erected on the property.  It served the residents through the first two years of high school, after which, they could complete their last two years of studies at the public school in town.

In 1929, due to changes in state funding, the school was handed over to the Upper Augusta Township School board, and in 1930, it included a full 4 year high school course.  

The School at the orphanage is nearly identical to the Drumheller school in town.

"Miss Florence V. Stoner was the first school teacher. The cost of the furniture for the school room was $75, and books and other necessities caused an expenditure of $83.28."  A committee member recommended an organ be purchaseds, and upon hearing of the need, the  Lady Esther Rebekah Lodge No. 74 purchased one for the home.

In 1910, planning began for a new school house to be built.  At the time, the school had three teachers in residence, and a visiting music teacher.   The first brick  for the new school was  laid April 17, 1912.
Superintendent Chubbuck build the school house and several smaller buildings, "saving the Home many thousands of dollars".  It was also noted that he had erected the East Hall and the walls of the West Hall, before he retired in 1921, due to his wife's health issues.

In 1912, fifteen children were enrolled in the kindergarten and 120 in the regular school. The  old school was converted into a hospital in 1913, after the new building was completed. The expense of maintaining the schools in 1912 was $1,693, the equivalent of more than $46,000 in 2021.

One hundred and fifty-two of our wards attended school in 1916.  By 1918, the school employed 5 teachers, paying them $1,950, and providing their room and board.  Mr. Calhoun, the Band Master and Teacher,  did not live on site.  He  was paid $75 per month, and in addition to looking after the interests of the Band, he agreed to instruct a girls' orchestra. 

In 1923, a  fire occurred in the school house causing damage to the extent of $1,098.  The boys at the school all attended regular fire drills, where they were trained in how to put out fires.  "Our boys were on the job in a minute and the Sunbury Fire Department rushed to the Home and aided in preventing what may have been a very great loss. "

"Our schools had taken one advanced step after another until we were running a two-year course and sending our graduates to Sunbury to complete the four-year course." Mildred Thurston was the first student to finish the Course in Sunbury High  School in May, 1927.  

"All of our boys who attended the Sunbury High School were placed in the Sunbury High School Band by the school management. We think that this act reflects great credit upon the boys as well as the 
teachers in our own schools. The Principal of the Sunbury schools in a letter to the Chairman of the Educational Committee referred to our children as "The splendid, well prepared students," and further 
stated that "It is indeed a treat to know them personally." We are decidedly pleased to be able to place this statement in this history. "

 "The schools have added glory to former performances, capturing one Elocution Medal, Third Place in State Piano Competition, Seventeen Medals in Athletic Competition in the County, One Silver Cup in Teams Contest, winning five games out of six played, and  James Dobbie won fifth place in a large class in honors." (The next year at Bucknell he was second in a class of 250).  - Orphanage Superintendent's report, 1929

 In 1929, the committee was discussing adding a four year course to the orphanage school, but that year the decision was taken out of their hands when the township took over the school.

"The School Board of Upper Augusta Township took charge of our Schools in 1929. The State appropriation which we had been receiving through the School Board was cut off and we had but one thing to do and that was to hand our schools over to the School Board."  The school building was rented to the school board for a nominal sum.  The school board now elected the teachers, but "followed the suggestions of the [Home's] educational committee very satisfactorily."

The school at the Home was recognized as a four-year high in 1930, and the first children to be graduated were: Hartie Glenn. Evelyn Campbell, Ludlow Nichols, Roberta Cressinger, Norman Kelley, 
Ross Geise and Harold Brown.

The Residents
All the way at the very bottom of this post I have compiled various records of those who lived at the Orphanage.  It is not complete, but it includes all of the records I could find.  From 1897 to 1932, the records of applications received were all noted in the history written by  Dr. W. H. J. Holman

The Newsletter
Bugle Notes was the Orphanage newsletter.  The Issues were packed full of information about the wards and alumni.

1908 - "This is the first year that the "Bugle Notes" was self-sustaining; a net surplus of $94.58 reported."

The Closing
In 1970, there were 14 wards at the orphanage.  Unable to meet the increasing demands of the government standards, and faced with an unfathomable expense to put in a new sewer system, the I.O.O.F voted unanimously to close the orphanage.
In the 1980s, the complex became the Youth Challenge International Bible Institute.



A Short History Of The Odd Fellows Home
Compiled by Past President Dr. W. H. J. Holman , 1932

"Let us keep in mind that during the first twenty-five years we fed, 
clothed and educated 451 children. Some of these were taken care of 
for ten or more years, while others had been with us but a few months. " - 1921

Taken From A Short History Of The Odd Fellows Home
Compiled by Past President Dr. W. H. J. Holman in 1932

1897 - During the year 1897 the following named children were admitted: 
Edwin Miller and Clarence Miller on June 7th, then followed Ger- 
trude May Slagenwhite, Leroy J. Kissel, Carrie M. Long, John H. Long, 
George W. Schwenk, Walter J. Havens, William Jones, Robert Jones, 
Hannah Jones, Mary Gover, Martha Gover, Edward Williams, Harry 
Williams and Laura Williams. 

1898 - The following applications for admission were approved in 1898: Chester A. Dinsmore, 
Guy P. Towsey, Florence Marsden, Emma J. Marsden, William Glen 
Beiiter, Lelia May Beuter, Merton G. McConnell, Harold J. McConnell, 
Gertrude E. Phillips. Oliver T. Phillips, Emerson C. Cook. Mary Lena 
Cook, William A. Hepner, Frederick P. McLaren, John William Len- 
hart, Vernon M. Rohrbach, Mary M. Rohrbach, Clarence A. Hoyt, John 
Evan Jones and Rachael Jones. 

1899 - The applications for the admission of the following named children 
were approved: Foster C. Hoyt, Alma S. Ahrensfield, Peter Leroy 
Shaw, William Monroe Shaw, Catherine B. Havens, John H. Pritchard, 
Ralph D. Pritchard, Alouis E. Grieshaber, Ernest S. Eisenhart, Jacob 
S. Eisenhart, Emily C. Green, Martha H. Green. 

1900 - During this year seven applications for admission were approved, viz.: Char- 
lotte Dennis, Margaret Dennis, Ellery S. Margargel, Clayton E. Magar- 
get, Hulda F. Koons, Maude M. Meyers, and Fred McGillivary.

1901 - The applications of Harry McGillivary and Gertie Jones were the only ones approved this year.

1902 - The following applications for admission were approved: John C. 
Evans, William R. Grieshaber, Evan T. Jones, Thomas W. Morgan, 
Byron E. Morgan, Elizabeth White, William C. Gumpper, Hattie C. 
Gumpper, Evalina Laffin, Ida G. Laffin, Alice L. Baumann, Herman 
Baumann, Emma M. McSurty, Howard Jones, Hattie Jones, Lester S. 
Flick, Raymond A. F. Seymour, Charles F. E. Seymour, Thomas Jones, 
Frank W. Fertig, George Schmick, Albert F. Davis, Robert J. McLaren. 
M. Ray Grow, Charles I. Grow. 

1903 - Eva E. Schmick and Gilbert M. Gerling were the only ones whose applications 
were approved by the Committee on Admission.

1904 -  The following named 
children were ordered admitted to the Home: Reginald C. S. James, 
Arthur W. James, William A. Mateer, Edward J. Jodry, Mabel E. 
Jodry, John Irvin Harny, Samuel V. Harny, Philip H. Lenhart, Ralph 
Lenhart, George O. Towsey. The applications of six children were 
approved by our Committee and the children were admitted to the 
Home in Philadelphia. George Dennis and Martha E. Gumpper were 
also admitted to our Home this year.


1906 - The following applications for the admission of children were approved: Winfred 
C. Jordain, Thomas J. Jordain, Mary B. Fishburn, Lola V. Fishburn, 
Carl M. McCallum, Lawrence W. McCallum, Forest J. Root, Melinda 
E. Root, Howard D. Perkins, Lillian Perkins, Henry Perkins, Margaret 
Jones, Marguerite E. Harden, Lola M. DeLong, Mary E. DeLong and 
Paul Root.


1909 - The following applications were approved: Ruth Sherman,
 Leroy H. Sherman, P'rank H. Gingrich, Walter 
L. Gingrich, Hugh C. Gebhart, Amy M. Jones, John G. Jones, Howard 
Nelmes, John T. Nelmes, John B. Hartman, Clara M. Root, Boies P. 
Mateer, Jay M. D. Mateer, Clara Yates, Susie Yates, William Yates, 
Kathryn Powell, Beatrice Powell, Jennie C. Mateer, Grace E. Camp- 
bell, Clarence A. Flemming, Amy C. Wickizer, Howard V. Wickizer, 
Myrtle J. Wickizer, James L. Campbell, Raymond Williams, Joseph 
Richens, Stanley Williams, Herbert Williams, David Williams, Sarah 
Williams, Marlin L. Woodling, Margaret E. Schenck, Lawrence P. 
Radle, Philip R. Radle, Edith M. Sherman, Alden Mateer. 

Photo unlabeled, but dated 1909

1910 - One hundred and eighteen children were being cared for in the Home at a cost of $14,924 per year. 

1911 - The following applications 
were approved: Ambrose C. Wagner, Walter J. Gicking, Gladys J. 
Gicking, Carrie E. Gicking, Philip Richards, Irene Worthing-ton, Flor- 
ence M. Bast, Jeremiah F. BaSt, Laura F. Rabe, Samuel E. Pealer, 
John J. Weidner, Viola M. Weidner, Edna H. Weidner, Leroy M. Weid- 
ner, Bernice I. Lorah, Irma R. Morgan, Edgar T. Morgan, Elizabeth 
E. Dunkleberger, Emma M. Dupkleberger, Carrie C. Dunkleberger, 
William I. Mann. 

The 1911 Seniors

1912- The following applications were approved: Cecil L. Harrison, 
Jonathan Thomas, David Thomas, G. Wagner Colyer. Margaret J. 
Thomas, Thomas J. Thomas, William M. Thomas, Ruth Silcox, James 
Silcox, Chas. P. Payton, William R. Payton, Margaret Morris, John P. 
Morris, Helen Morris, Ruth M. Kobel, Kathryn E. Kobel, Edith M. 
Kobel, I. Florence Croffut, George C. Croffut, Elizabeth T. Croffut, 
Francis L. Croffut, Chas. W. Shannon, James H. Shannon, Sarah J. 
Green, Margaret E. Green, George C. Green. Gertrude M. Pealer, John 
Morton, Hector Morton, Celia Morton, Kathryn P. Marquette, Lucile M. Marquette, Russell R. Pealer, Marian Payton, George A. Wickizer, 
Helen A. Wickizer, Norman E. Dunkleberger, Mildred Grace Colyer.

1913 - The applications approved this year were as follows: Ellen V. Oats, 
Beatrice P. Rathburn, John R. Rathburn, Leone M. Shane, Mary J. 
Shane, John Pinto, Edward Rodgers. 

1914 - The following applications were 
approved: Edna E. Kyle, Janette Kyle, Harriet P. Jackson, Oscar P. 
Simonds, Amy V. Simonds, William E. Dale, Paul L. Dale, Theodore 
R. Rickenbaugh. Wm. E. Rickenbaugh, George N. Rickenbaugh. Wil- 
liam H. Taylor. Clinton B. Sliellhammcr. Benjamin L. Morgan. Marie 
Morgan, Jessie M. Morgan, Janette Morgan, George P. Artz. Max A. 
Lowe. Bessie B. Hartman. Albert M. Orr, Edna E. Orr, Willard C. 
Rank, Robert B. Renner, Naomi Renner. 

1915 - The following applications were approved: 
Alice M. Painter, Edith V. Painter, Kenneth Richards, Bruce B. Barnes, 
William J. Williams, Margaret A. Williams, John Pirro, Anthony Pirro, 
Homer E. Daley, Hester L. Long, Miles H. Long, Margaret Bedell, 
Charles Bedell, "Crace Bedell, Rali^h Bedell, Willis G. Snyder, Dor- 
rance M. Snyder, Lydia M. Snyder, David L. Rank, Rita Smith, David 
L. Massman, Chas. W. Connolly, Wallace M. Connolly, Alice G. Con- 
nolly, David C. Cowfer, Frances N. Cowfer, Violet L. Cowfer, Lydia 
M. Williams, Emily Williams, Edgar Williams, Florence Williams, 
Frederick Williams, Horace Williams and Carrie Daley. 

1916- The following new wards were admitted, viz.: Thelma B. Clark, David L. 
Clark, Bertha May Clark, M. Elizabeth Kemp, Robert E. Kemp, Harold 
D. Kemp, Chester E. Wood, Girard M. Wood, Clayton E. Wood, W. 
Bedell Kemp, G. Harold Brown, Irene Simonds, G. Merril Naylor, 
M. Pearl Naylor, Pauline Jackson, Edward D. Bedell, Geraldine 
P'ranklin, Phoebe Franklin, Archie Franklin, Catherine Franklin. 

1918 -The new wards admitted were the following: George E. Hoover, 
Ellen S. Hoover. Sarah C. Brown, Kenneth L. Yahn, Mildred E. Yahn, 
Beulah T. Yahn. Warren E. Shellhamer, Charles A. Shellhamer. Mil- 
dred L. Andreas, Catharine Andreas. Hester Andreas, Dorothy Andreas. 
John Somers, Jacob Embrey, Ira Embrey, Agnes Roughton, Grace 
Roughton, Chester J. Fisher.

1917 - The following new wards were admitted to our Home joys, viz.: 
Joy Victor Teisher, Hannah Teisher, John Teisher, W. Kinsley Teisher, 
Harland Simonds, Peter Bedell, Karl W. Baum, Iva L. Reeder, N. 
Marie Baum. 

1919 -The new Wards were as follows: Carl C. Jensen, Lillian M. Jensen, 
Robert J. Neihart, Wm. G. Neihart, Mildred M. Thurston, George L. 
Thurston, Martlia V. Thurston, David E. Kelly, Norman A. Kelly, 
Erma M. Kelly, Benjamin G. Neihart, Esther L. Thurston, Clifford R. 
Nichols, A. Ludlow Nichols, Paul F. Margraff', J. Frederick Margraft', 
E. Priscilla Margraff, Mark L. Margraff, Mabel Teisher, Robert Teish- 
er, Emily L. Baker, Gladys Baker, Evelyn Baker, Thelma A. Bogart, 
Arthur J. Bogart, Charles T. Foringer, Paul A. P'oringer, Donald K. 
Miller, Francis E. Bergh, Clifford A. Bergh, Hilda S. Bergh, Law- 
rence Meminger, Floyd T. Stull, Henry P. Stine, Edward J. Purdue, 
James W. Okom, Olga Buccari. Alcea J. Buccari, Angeline Buccari, 
Myrtle I. Thurston, Arnold J. Moyer, C. Irvin Moyer, Wm. Russell 
Roberts, George Roberts, Blanche Roberts. 

1920 - The new Wards for the year were as follows : Madeline Shivelhood. 
Helen Shivelhood, George Shivelhood, Alma Kelly, Catherine Herrold, 
Irene Herrold, George W. Herrold, Wm. J. Harlacker, Hannah A. Hunt, 
Eleanor T. Dobbie, James M. Dobbie, Dorothy A. Dobbie. Evelyn Har- 
lacker, Charles Harlacker, Paul Herrold, Clarice P. Foringer, Charles 
W. Himmler, Clara G. Williams, Edward Williams, Raymond B. Gott- 
stein, Lewis E. Gottstein, Leah E. Gottstein, Thelma C. Gottstein. 

1920 -The Bronze Tablet in honor of those of our wards who served in 
the World War, which was ordered in 1919, was secured at a cost of 
$100, and is a very nice piece of work. The following names appear 
thereon: Chester A. Dinsmore, Carl M. McCallura, Emerson C. Cook, 
Phillip H. Lenhart, Winfred C. Jordan, John H. Pritchard, Harold R. 
Roderick, Ralph D. Pritchard, Clarence A. Fleming, William R. 
Greishaber, Richard M. Jones, Leroy H. Sherman, George W. Schmeck, 
Raymond J. Schopp, John C. Evans, Forest J. Root, Lester S. Flick, 
Evan T. Jones, Albert F. Davis, Walter L. Gingrich, Robert E. Jones, 
Lawrence W. McCallum, A. Winfield .James, Clarence E. Miller, Wal- 
ter G. Havens, Matthew Shrive, Thomas A. Jordan, William M. Shaw, 
David Watkins, Harold E. Fuller, Paul E. Root, Mary L. Cook. 

1921 -The new Wards admitted this year were the following: Rachel 
Schrader, Dorothy Schrader, Lydia E. Huber, Gordon Roberts, Claude 
M. Bordner, Ruth T. Andreas, Martha W. Andreas, Bruce T. Boyer, 
Walter E. Boyer, Ruth E. Herrold, J. Newton Bottomstone, John A. 
Dobbie, Edw. R. Richards, George W. Bland, Harry L. Bland, Sidney 
Eliza Bland, Evelyn L. Campbell, John Wm. Campbell, Charles 
Thomas, Ruth E. Thomas, Thelma Thomas, Clyde M. Somers.

1922 -  The following named children were admitted to the Home: Mar- 
garet Thomas, Thomas C. Kingston, Esther E. Kingston, Donald J. 
Waltman, Guy F. Eisenhuth, John Moore, Donald V. Leflaer, W. Ches- 
ter Leffler, Allen W. Engle, Walter Engle, Margaret R. Howarth, 
John O. Howarth, Luke E. Swabb. James E. Swabb, David S. Swabb, 
Augustus Morgan. Carl G. Morgan, Agnes M. Morgan, Darrell Thomas, 
Wm. Mark Kyler, Elizabeth Kyler, Albert Richards, Irvin Waltman, 
Esther Broscious, Robert Thomas, John M. Thomas, Hiram L. Bowman, 
Charles Bowman, Attie Kepner, Edward Burton Chandler. 

1923 - The following named children were admitted to the Home: Paul 
Martz, Dale Martz, Helen Martz, Walter M. Geise, Ross E. Geise, 
David J. Watkins, Elmer Watkins, Morgan Watkins, Helen Turnbull, 
Anna Williams, Joseph Williams, Helen Williams, Mayme Hepler, 
Harvey Hepler, Phoebe Weaver, Anne Hepler. 

1924 - The children admitted during this year were as follows : Arthur 
Myers, Martin Mvers, Hugh Mvers, Thelma Dando, Dorothv Dando, 
Rav mond Hunt, Chester C. Hunt, Hartie E. Glenn, Ida R. Glenn, 
William J. Glenn, Kathryn Glenn, Ruth Glenn, Montague Glenn, Susan 
Glenn, John P. Glenn, Hope Richards, John W. Hepler, Florence Lid- 
dick, Maxwell Liddick. 

1925 - The new Wards received were the following: Robert Turnbull, Wm. 
Herb, Pauline Herb, Melvin Herb, John Herb, Grace Reinoehl, Paul 
Reinoehl, Harry A. Stutts, Ruth E. Stutts, Susanna B. Stutts, Sarah E. 
Stutts, Mildred Tasker, Pierce Tasker, Marion Hartman, Scott Morgan, 
Isabella Morgan, Francis Young. 

1926 - The new Wards admitted were: Melvin R. Sibbach, Elwood C. 
Sibbach, Ray Edward Young. Wm. Charles Young, Robert D. Young, 
Albert J. Cable, Caroline V. Cable, Wm. Jesse Cable, Hope Van Bar- 
riger, Lila Van Barriger, Arline Van Barriger, Hulda Van Barriger and 
Lois V. Baker. 

1927 - The new Wards for 1927 were the following: Wm. F. Lauden- 
slayer, Almeda Laudenslayer, Malvern D. Laudenslayer, Mary Lauden- 
slayer, Jean L. Capwell, Marion Capwell, Albert Henry Young, Mary 
Di Risio, Joseph Di Risio, Alvin M. Emerick, Hubert H. Emerick, 
Norman K. Emerick, John M. Noecker, Phillip Crispwell, John Clin- 
ton Eyster, George Miles Eyster, Catherine Fenstermacher, Mark E. 
Sibbach and John A. Sibbach. 

1928 - The new Wards admitted were the following: Roy Capwell, Edgar 
B. Morrow, Ralph Ira Turner, Wm. A. Turner. Elizabeth Dewald, 
Betty Dewald, Ethel M. Stutts, Ruth A. Tasker. 

1929 -The new names appearing as Wards of the Home were the follow- 
ing: Marlin Wise, David H. Wise, Angelo Balestrini, Lucy Balestrini. 
Josephine Balestrini, Leo Balestrini, Mary Balestrini, Grace L. Thurs- 
ton. Margaret O. Gentzel. Woodrow Gentzel. Marjorie R. Williams. 
Lester K. Shipe, Paul G. Shipe. Norman A. Shipe. Ruth A. Shipe. 
Charles Remphrey, Wm. F. Remphrey, Wm. E. Barkley, Benjamin V. 
Barkley. John R. Barkley, Warren F. Barkley, Bertha G. McCarty. 
George McCarty, Frances May Barkley, Eugene S. Cargill, Richard 
Cargill, James Stevens, Marie Stevens, Robert Stevens, Harriet L. 
Shellehamer, Adelaide M. Shellehamer. 

1930 - The new Wards for the year 1930 were: Robert Gracely, Donald 
T. Howells, David E. Howells, Adda M. Aughenbaugh, Anna M. 
Aughenbaugh, Bessie Aughenbaugh, Grover C. Aughenbaugh, Lila J. 
Snyder, Aida May Snyder, Gladys Bernice Snyder, Charles Irvin Hess 
and Myrtle B. Hess. 

1931 - The new Wards admitted during 1931 were as follows: Taylor S. 
Remphrey, Catherine M. Remphrey, Robert E. Seymour, Brice Shelly, 
Marshall" V. Shelly, Chester C. Reinoehl, Lena M. Hess, Kenneth J. 
Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Ruth Hamilton, Robert V. Sweigert, An- 
drew Grant Boyer. Kenneth L. Boyer, Robert E. Boyer, Sarah Alice 
Boyer, Elizabeth M. Patterson, Lois M. Patterson, John E. Patterson, 
Naomi Ruth Patterson, Francis James GraceW, George E. Cable, 
George Oscar Patterson, Alice E. Swinehart, Margaret Swinehart, 
Pearl L. Swinehart.

1932 - The new Wards admitted in 1932 were: Thelma Strouse, Theodore 
Strouse and Duane Strouse. 

Wards of the Home 1897 through 1920
Taken From Census Records:
ANDREAS Catharine 1918 10 1920
ANDREAS Dorothy 1918 7 1920
ANDREAS Hester 1918 7 1920
ANDREAS Mildred L. 1918 11 1920
ARDREY Lila M. 1908 12 1910
ARTZ Arthur E. 1910
ARTZ David C. 1910 13 1920
ARTZ Doris M. 1910 15 1920
ARTZ George P. 1914 12 1920
ARTZ Marvin K. 1910
BAKER Emily L. 1919 9 1920
BAKER Evelyn 1919 4 1920
BAKER Gladys 1919 6 1920
BARNES Bruce H. 1915 16 1920
BAST Florence M. 1911 14 1920
BAST Jeremiah F. 1911 16 1920
BAUM Karl W. 1917 7 1920 Carl
BAUM N. Marie 1917 5 1920 Marie
BAUMANN Alice L. 1902 15 1910
BAUMANN Herman 1902 16 1910
BEDELL Charles 1915 12 1920
BEDELL Edward D. 1916
BEDELL Grace 1915 15 1920
BEDELL Margaret 1915 7 1920
BEDELL Peter 1917 5 1920
BEDELL Ralph 1915 13 1920
BENTER Lelia May 1898
BENTER William Glen 1898
BERGH Clifford A. 1919 10 1920
BERGH Francis E. 1919 12 1920
BERGH Hilda S. 1919 7 1920
BERLIN Dwight S. 1905
BERLIN Ellsworth 1905
BERLIN Patience 1905
BOGART Arthur J. 1919 5 1920
BOGART Thelma A. 1919 11 1920
BOUGHTON Agnes 1918 12 1920
BOUGHTON Grace 1918 10 1920
BROWN Carrie C. 1910
BROWN David C. 1908 17 1920
BROWN G. Harold 1916 7 1920 Harold
BROWN John H. 1908 9 1910
BROWN Sarah C. 1918 5 1920
BUCCARI Alcea J. 1919 4 1920 Jennie
BUCCARI Angeline 1919 6 1920
BUCCARI Olga 1919 7 1920
CAMPBELL Emory P. 1908 7 1910
CAMPBELL Grace E. 1909 6 1910
CAMPBELL James L. 1909 3 1910 Lester
CLARK Bertha May 1916 6 1920
CLARK David L. 1916 9 1920
CLARK Thelma B. 1916 11 1920
COLYER G. Wagner 1912 1920
COLYER Mildred Grace 1912 14 1920 Grace
CONNOLLY Alice G. ? 1915 12 1920 Ellis ?
CONNOLLY Charles W. 1915 11 1920
CONNOLLY Wallace M. 1915 15 1920
COOK Emerson C. 1898
COOK Mary Lena 1898
COWFER David C. 1915
COWFER Frances N. 1915
COWFER Violet L. 1915
CROFFET Elizabeth T. 1912
CROFFET Florence 1912
CROFFET Francis L. 1912
CROFFET George C. 1912
DALE Paul I. 1914
DALE William E. 1914
DALEY Carrie 1915
DALEY Homer E. 1915
DAVIES Mildred 1907 10 1910
DAVIS Albert F. 1902 14 1910
DAVIS Daniel 1907 10 1910
DAVIS Griffith 1907 10 1910
DELONG Charlotte K. 1907 8 1910
DELONG Lola M. 1906 15 1910 Margaret
DELONG Mary E. 1906 11 1910 Eveland
DENNIS Charlotte 1900
DENNIS George 1904 12 1910
DENNIS Margaret 1900 14 1910
DINSMORE Chester A. 1898
DOBBIE Dorothy A. 1920
DOBBIE Eleanor T. 1920
DOBBIE James M. 1920
DUNKLEBERGER Alma G. 1907 12 1910
DUNKLEBERGER Carrie C. 1911 13 1920
DUNKLEBERGER Elizabeth E. 1911
DUNKLEBERGER Emma M. 1911 14 1920
DUNKLEBERGER Iva May 1907 14 1910
DUNKLEBERGER Myrtle 1908 8 1910
EISENHART Ernest S. 1899
EISENHART Jacob S. 1899
EMBREY Ira 1918 10 1920
EMBREY Jacob 1918 5 1920
EVANS John C. 1902
FERTIG Frank W. 1902
FISHBURN Lola V. 1906 11 1910
FISHBURN Mary B. 1906 10 1910
FISHER Chester J. 1918 11 1920
FLEMMING Clarence A. 1909
FLICK Lester S. 1902
FORINGER Charles T. 1919
FORINGER Clarice P. 1920 6 1920
FORINGER Paul A. 1919 5 1920
FOSS Gertrude 1905 11 1910
FOSS Lucy 1905 14 1910
FOSS Thomas S. 1905
FRANKLIN Archie 1916
FRANKLIN Catherine 1916
FRANKLIN Geraldine 1916 14 1920
FRANKLIN Phoebe 1916 13 1920
FULLER George C. 1907
FULLER Harold E. 1907
GEBHART Hugh C. 1909 10 1910
GERLING Gilbert M. 1903
GICKING Carrie E. 1911 11 1920
GICKING Gladys J. 1911 12 1920
GICKING Walter J. 1911 14 1920
GINGRICH Frank H. 1909
GINGRICH Walter L. 1909 10 1910 Leroy
GOTTSTEIN Leah E. 1920
GOTTSTEIN Lewis G. 1920
GOTTSTEIN Raymond B. 1920
GOTTSTEIN Thelma C. 1920
GOVER Martha 1897
GOVER Mary 1897
GREEN Emily C. 1899
GREEN George C. 1912
GREEN Margaret E. 1912 16 1920
GREEN Martha H. 1899
GREEN Sarah J. 1912
GRIESHABER Alouis E. 1899
GRIESHABER William R. 1902 15 1910
GROW Charles I. 1902 16 1910 Irvin
GROW M. Ray 1902 10 1910 Roy
GUMPPER Hattie C. 1902
GUMPPER Martha E. 1904
GUMPPER William C. 1902
HARDEN Marguerite E. 1906 11 1910
HARLACKER * Charles 1920
HARLACKER * Evelyn 1920
HARLACKER * William J. 1920
HARNY John Irvin 1904
HARNY Samuel V. 1904
HARRISON Cecil L. 1912
HARTMAN Bessie B. 1914
HARTMAN John B. 1909 13 1910
HAVENS Catherine B. 1899 15 1910
HAVENS Walter J. 1897
HEPNER William A. 1898
HERROLD Catherine 1920
HERROLD George W. 1920
HERROLD Irene 1920
HERROLD Paul 1920
HILL Laura M. 1910 7 1910
HIMMLER Charles W. 1920
HOLT Frank 1908 9 1910
HOOVER Ellen S. 1918 11 1920
HOOVER George E. 1918 13 1920
HOYT Clarence A. 1898
HOYT Foster C. 1899
HUNT Hannah A. 1920
JACKSON Harriet P. 1914
JACKSON Pauline 1916 10 1920
JAMES Arthur W. 1904 15 1910 Windfield
JAMES Reginald C. S 1904 13 1910
JENSEN Carl C. 1919 7 1920
JENSEN Lillian M. 1919 6 1920
JODRY Edward J. 1904 14 1910
JODRY Mabel E. 1904 13 1910
JONES Amy M. 1909 12 1910
JONES Evan 1908 6 1910
JONES Evan T. 1902 15 1910
JONES Gertie 1901
JONES Hannah 1897 16 1910
JONES Hattie 1902
JONES Howard 1902
JONES John Evan 1898
JONES John G. 1909
JONES Margaret 1906 15 1910
JONES Myrtle 1908 9 1910
JONES Oswald 1910
JONES Rachael 1898
JONES Richard 1908 13 1910
JONES Robert 1897
JONES Thomas 1902 15 1910
JONES William 1897
JORDAIN Thomas J. 1906 12 1910
JORDAIN William G. 1908 7 1910 Glen
JORDAIN Winfred C. 1906 16 1910 Windford
KELLY Alma 1920 3 1920
KELLY David E. 1919 11 1920
KELLY Erma M. 1919 5 1920
KELLY Norman A. 1919 7 1920
KEMP Elizabeth 1916 9 1920
KEMP Harold D. 1916 8 1920
KEMP Robert E. 1916
KEMP W. Bedell 1916 6 1920 Bedell
KISSEL Leroy J. 1897
KOBEL Edith M. 1912
KOBEL Kathryn E. 1912 16 1920
KOBEL Ruth M. 1912
KOONS Hulda F. 1900
KYLE Edna E. 1914
KYLE Janette 1914 13 1920
LAFFIN Evalina 1902 16 1910
LAFFIN Ida G. 1902
LENHART John William 1898
LENHART Philip H. 1904
LENHART Rslph 1904 12 1910
LEWIS James L. 1910 13 1920
LEWIS Thomas W. 1910 15 1920
LONG Carrie M. 1897
LONG Hester L. 1915 15 1920
LONG John H. 1897
LONG Miles H. 1915 11 1920
LORAH Bernice I. 1911 12 1920
LORAH Dean 1908 16 1920
LORAH Edgar S. 1910
LORAH Emerson H. 1908 8 1910
LORAH John C. 1908 12 1910
LOWE Max A. 1914
MANN William I. 1911
MARGARGEL Clayton E. 1900
MARGARGEL Ellery S. 1900
MARGRAFF E. Priscilla 1919 6 1920 Priscilla
MARGRAFF J. Frederick 1919 8 1920 Frederick
MARGRAFF Mark L. 1919
MARGRAFF Paul F. 1919 9 1920
MARQUETTE Kathryn P. 1912
MARQUETTE Lucille M. 1912 14 1920
MARSDEN Emma J. 1898
MARSDEN Florence 1898
MASSMAN David L. 1915
MATEER Alden 1909 5 1910
MATEER Boles P. 1909
MATEER Jay M. D. 1909
MATEER Jennie C. 1909 10 1910
MATEER William A. 1904
MATTER John D. 1907
MATTER Louis 1907 15 1910
MAYES Minnie 1910
MAYES Norma E. 1910
McCALLUM Carl M. 1906 13 1910
McCALLUM Lawrence W. 1906 10 1910
McCONNELL Harold J. 1898
McCONNELL Merton G. 1898
McGILLIVARY Harry 1901
McLAREN Frederick P. 1898
McLAREN Robert J. 1902
McSURTY Emma M. 1902
MEMINGER Lawrence 1919 9 1920
METZ J. G. Carlisl 1908 12 1910 Caslile
MEYERS Maude M. 1900
MILLER Clarence 1897
MILLER Donald K. 1919
MILLER Edwin 1897
MORGAN Benjamin L. 1914 11 1920
MORGAN Byron E. 1902
MORGAN Edgar T. 1911 14 1920
MORGAN Irma R. 1911 14 ? 1920
MORGAN Janette 1914
MORGAN Jessie M. 1914 13 1920
MORGAN Marie 1914 15 1920
MORGAN Thomas W. 1902
MORRIS Helen 1912
MORRIS John P. 1912
MORRIS Margaret 1912
MORTON Celia 1912 14 1920
MORTON Hector 1912
MORTON John 1912 12 1920
MOYER Arnold J. 1919 6 1920
MOYER C. Irvin 1919 5 1920 Irvin
NAYLOR G. Merril 1916 13 1920 Merril
NAYLOR M. Pearl 1916 13 1920 Pearl
NEIHART Benjamin G. 1919 6 1920
NEIHART Robert J. 1919 11 1920
NEIHART William G. 1919 9 1920
NELMES Howard 1909
NELMES John T. 1909
NICHOLS A. Ludlow 1919 7 1920 Anna
NICHOLS Clifford R. 1919 5 1920
OATS Ellen V. 1913
OKOM James W. 1919 4 1920
ORR Albert M. 1914 16 1920
ORR Edna E. 1914 14 1920
PAINTER Alice M. 1915
PAINTER Edith V. 1915
PAYTON Charles P. 1912 15 1920
PAYTON Marian 1912 11 1920
PAYTON William R. 1912
PEALER Gertrude M. 1912
PEALER Russell B. 1912
PEALER Samuel E. 1911
PERKINS Henry 1906
PERKINS Howard D. 1906
PERKINS Lillian 1906
PHILLIPS Gertrude E. 1898
PHILLIPS Oliver T. 1898
PINTO John 1913
PIRRO Anthony 1915
PIRRO John 1915
POWELL Beatrice 1909 10 1910
POWELL Kathryn 1909 16 1920 Katherine
PRITCHARD John H. 1899
PRITCHARD Ralph D. 1899
PURDUE Edward J. 1919 6 1920
RABE Laura F. 1911 12 1920
RADLE Lawrence P. 1909
RADLE Philip R. 1909
RANK David L. 1915
RANK Willard C. 1914 11 1920
RATHBURN Beatrice P. 1913 11 1920
RATHBURN John R. 1913 9 1920 Raymond
REEDER Iva L. 1917 13 1920 Ira ?
RENNER Naomi 1914 7 1920
RENNER Robert B. 1914 10 1920
RICHARDS Kenneth 1915 13 1920
RICHARDS Philip 1911
RICHENS Joseph 1909 17 1920
RICKENBAUGH George N. 1914
RICKENBAUGH Theodore R. 1914 14 1920
RICKENBAUGH William E. 1914 16 1920
ROBB Alta R. 1908 13 1910
ROBB Nannie G. 1908 10 1910
ROBERTS Blanche 1919 5 1920
ROBERTS George 1919
ROBERTS Lillian E. 1908 8 1910
ROBERTS Victor A. 1908 6 1910
ROBERTS William Russe 1919 8 1920 Russell
RODERICK Harold 1905
RODGERS Edward 1913
ROHRBACH Mary M. 1898
ROHRBACH Vernon M. 1898
ROOT Clara M. 1909 8 1910
ROOT Forest J. 1906 14 1910
ROOT Melinda E. 1906 13 1910
ROOT Paul 1906 10 1910
SCHENCK Margaret E. 1909 8 1910
SCHMICK Eva E. 1903 13 1910
SCHMICK George 1902 13 1910
SCHOPP Charles L. 1907 12 1910 Lester
SCHOPP Raymond 1907 13 1910
SCHOPP William D. 1907 9 1910 Donald
SCHWENK George W. 1897
SEYMOUR Charles F. E. 1902
SEYMOUR Raymond A. F. 1902 12 1910
SHANE Leone M. 1913 13 1920
SHANE Mary J. 1913 17 1920
SHANNON Charles W. 1912
SHANNON James H. 1912 13 1920
SHAW Peter Leroy 1899
SHAW William Monro 1899
SHELLHAMER Charles A. 1918 5 1920
SHELLHAMER Warren E. 1918 7 1920
SHELLHAMMER Clinton B. 1914
SHERMAN Edith M. 1909 8 1910
SHERMAN Leroy H. 1909 11 1910
SHERMAN Ruth 1909 12 1910
SHIVELHOOD George 1920
SHIVELHOOD Madeline 1920
SHRIVE Cecil 1907 10 1910
SHRIVE Irene 1910
SHRIVE John W. 1907 12 1910
SHRIVE Lester 1910
SHRIVE Lillian 1910
SHRIVE Matthew 1907 14 1910
SILCOX James 1912
SILCOX Ruth 1912
SIMONDS Amy V. 1914 14 1920
SIMONDS Harland 1917 7 1920
SIMONDS Irene 1916 8 1920
SIMONDS Oscar P. 1914 12 1920
SLAGENWHITE Gertrude May 1897
SMITH Rita 1915 14 1920
SNYDER Dorrance M. 1915 11 1920
SNYDER Lydia M. 1915 9 1920
SNYDER Willis G. 1915 12 1920
SOMERS John 1918 11 1920
STINE Henry P. 1919 5 1920
STULL Floyd T. 1919 11 1920
TAYLOR Kathryn L. 1910
TAYLOR Max M. 1910
TAYLOR William H. 1914
TEISHER Hannah 1917 12 1920
TEISHER John 1917 7 1920
TEISHER Joy Victor 1917 13 1920 Victor
TEISHER Mabel 1919 5 1920
TEISHER Robert 1919
TEISHER W. Kinsley 1917 10 1920 Kinsley
THOMAS David 1912
THOMAS Jonathon 1912 15 1920
THOMAS Margaret J. 1912
THOMAS Thomas J. 1912 12 1920
THOMAS William M. 1912 14 1920
THURSTON Esther L. 1919 5 1920
THURSTON George L. 1919 9 1920
THURSTON Martha V. 1919 7 1920
THURSTON Mildred M. 1919 11 1920
THURSTON Myrtle I. 1919 3 1920
TOWSEY George O. 1904
TOWSEY Guy P. 1898
WAGNER Ambrose C. 1911
WATKINS David 1908 10 1910
WATKINS Mary 1908 12 1910
WEIDNER Edna H. 1911
WEIDNER John J. 1911 16 1920
WEIDNER Leroy M. 1911 14 1920
WEIDNER Viola M. 1911 12 1920
WHITE Elizabeth 1902
WICKIZER Amy C. 1909 15 1920
WICKIZER George A. 1912
WICKIZER Helen A. 1912 13 1920
WICKIZER Howard V. 1909 16 1920
WICKIZER Myrtle J. 1909 14 1920
WILLIAMS Arthur 1908 9 1910
WILLIAMS Clara G. 1920
WILLIAMS David 1909
WILLIAMS Edgar 1915 10 1920
WILLIAMS Edward 1897
WILLIAMS Edward 1920
WILLIAMS Emily 1915 8 1920
WILLIAMS Florence 1915 14 1920
WILLIAMS Frederick 1915 12 1920
WILLIAMS Harry 1897
WILLIAMS Herbert 1909
WILLIAMS Horace 1915 11 1920
WILLIAMS Laura 1897
WILLIAMS Lydia M. 1915 7 1920
WILLIAMS Margaret A. 1915 14 1920
WILLIAMS Raymond 1909 12 1910
WILLIAMS Russell 1908 10 1910
WILLIAMS Sarah 1909
WILLIAMS Stanley 1909
WILLIAMS William J. 1915 11 1920
WOOD Chester E. 1916 11 1920
WOOD Clayton E. 1916 7 1920
WOOD Girard M. 1916 9 1920
WOODLING Marlin L. 1909 11 1910
WORTHINGTON Mabel 1910 13 1920
YAHN Beulah T. 1918 8 1920
YAHN Kenneth L. 1918 12 1920
YAHN Mildren E. 1918 11 1920
YATES Clara 1909 16 1920
YATES Susie 1909 8 1910
YATES William 1909 11 1910
YOST Albert S. 1910
YOST George H. 1910
YOST William J 1910

From Bugle Notes - 
The I.O.O.F Orphanage Newsletter
Frank David Yost, Arrived in 1940

Assorted Committee
1901 - Brother and Sister Miller resigned as Superintendent and Matron and were succeeded by Brother C. R. Burgess and wife. 

1928 superintendent
Our Superintendent and Matron, Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, tendered 
their resignations on April 27th, 1928, to take effect August 1st. This 
caused real sorrow on the part of the Directors, because we felt that 
they had talent of rare value. The children seemed to love both and 
had the highest respect for them. The reason given for the resignations 
was the health condition of the Matron. The resignations were accepted 
with regret and a committee consisting of Dr. W. H. J. Holman, W. G. 
Lentz, Rev. L. M. Dice, Robert Davis and W. C. Weber was appointed 
to endeavor to secure suitable persons to take the positions. Several 
applications were received and Mr. Samuel Irwin and wife were selected 
at a combined salary of $2,700. The new Directors were: James O. 
Warner, G. M. Kline and Dr. V. C. Decker. 

The year 1921 was a busy one. The work on the new building had 
progressed nicely and great interest had been taken all along the line 
of Home work. Our one regret was that the Superintendent and Matron 
resigned. They had done wonderful work for the Home interests and 
had been doubly mindful of the great responsibility resting upon them 
in caring for the children. The mechanical and business abilit}^ of the 
Superintendent, Brother Chubbuck, was a great asset to our Corpora- 
tion and saved to the Home many thousands of dollars. He built the 
school house and several smaller buildings and during this year he com- 
pleted the East Hall and erected the walls of the West Hall. The East 
Hall was dedicated on Labor Day. This was the Celebration of the 
Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Corporation and about 6,000 attended. 

Brother F. C. Lancaster, and his wife, were selected to fill the posi- 
tions of Superintendent and Matron at the combined salary of $2,500 
per year. 

1922 -  Mr. Lancaster and his wife resigned as Superintendent and Matron, and Brother Kimber A. Hart- man and wife were chosen to fill the vacancy.

Still More





  1. A remarkable resource on this rural, picturesque site outside of Sunbury.

  2. Marvelous article, thank you! My late mother-in-law -- maiden name Almeda Laudenslayer -- was one of the "new wards for 1927," along with her three siblings. I have a copy of the class photo for that year. Would that be of interest to you?

    1. Elaine, I think that would interest anyone who has an interest in the orphanage, especially those researching family members that resided there. I do hope you share it.

    2. Hello again! I have posted a copy of that 1927 orphanage photo, along with an excerpt identifying the four Laudenslayer children, one of whom was my late mother-in-law. These four siblings were the children of Edith (von Dreele) Laudenslayer. The pictures can be found at my website via this URL:


  4. I would like to get in contact with the current owner of the property. Would you know who to contact?

  5. So interesting My father was an Odd fellow in Lincoln Ill. from !934 -1942. The Home as he called is not standing anymore. Do the orginal buildings still stand? I'm looking to shoot some pictures of the IOOF orphanges.

  6. Thank you for this comprehensive overview of “The Home” as my grandfather always called it. He and his two brothers were there when their father died. His widowed mother could not keep all 5 of her children at home when her husband died. She kept her daughter and the baby son at home. The other children, the 3 boys were to the orphanage.They are the last 3 names on the roster. Albert was there for 6 years and played baseball and was in the band. He often spoke about eating the apples from the farm . My grandfather was Albert S. Yost. He lived to be 87 years old and attended the annual Labor Day reunions.


I'll read the comments and approve them to post as soon as I can! Thanks for stopping by!