Saturday, September 30, 2023

Bryantown, Lycoming County Pa

Bryan Mills, Bryantown PA

Located between Hughesville and Picture Rocks, Bryantown, or Bryan's Mills, included 4 dwellings and flour mill and a woolen mill.  The old brick home had been erected by Mr. Bryan in 1842. The other large house, occupied as the Ellison home in the 1950s, was erected after the Civil War.
The woolen mill, was put into operation in 1830, then torn down in 1866 when a new plant was built by Ellis Bryan. "The building was first rented by the owner along with James Coulter and Samuel Bryan. When Mr. Coulter retired he sold his interest to Mr. Bryan.  In 1881, David Ostler, who lived in Forksville, move to Bryantown and purchased the business.  Two years alter, he took into partnership with him David W. Elder.  Together they operated the mill for years, until 1910 when Mr. Elder died.

Eleven years later, L.P. Gilmore joined the firm until 1923. At that time, Mr. Ostler sold his interests to Joel Baker of Millville.  By 1924, the mill was in flourishing condition under the new ownership of Baker and Gilmore.

Old photo of the mill foundation remains, and waterfall at Bryantown

Water power was the only available source of power for the mill in the early days of the industry.  Only on rare occasions did this power fail.  

At one time, the three story building housing the mill included a cupola, or observatory, at the top.

  Products sold well.  Each year 25,000 pounds of raw wool was manufactured into various kinds of finished goods.  In the early days ,the entire output was yarn, used by housewifes in the knitting of hosiery, and other articles of clothing.  By 1924, flannels of pure wool her made and wool batting use in the making of bed clothing.  Woolen blankets were very popular.

The Bryan Family also built a grist mill not far away. 

 Less than a quarter mile away was a HUB factory where hubs for cannon truck wheels were made for use during the civil war.  At the height of its career, the industry employed 30-35 men.  At the end of the war the firm switched to making wagon wheel hubs.

Bryan's settlement was one of the thriving communities in the history of Muncy Valley. From their experience, James Coulter and George Rogers organized the Muncy Woolen Mills.

Bryantown Woolen Mill

The Old Woolen Mill was razed in 1953
The Mill last operated as Eagle Mills.  Manufacture on a large scale ended in 1925, however the mill was occasionally ran through 1939.

The Bryantown Curve, between Hughesville and Picture Rocks

Senator C.W. Sones was born and reared in Bryantown

 Looking south on 220 just after passing the old Bryantown Mill - Villa Grove Hub and Spokes Works - Stecktown.

Hanging in the Community Room at the Hughesville Library


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