Saturday, September 16, 2023

Mazeppa School, Mazeppa Union County Pa

School House, Mazeppa PA

There were at least three schools in Mazeppa.
The first was a log structure located just south of the Union Church.

The second school was built of brick in 1836 or 38, and was known as the Union School.  It was located just north of the third school. The school taught English and German, and the building was available for Christian worship on Sundays and weekday evenings. 

The two room brick schoolhouse, built in 1885, was located near the intersection of Johnson Mill Road and Col. John Kelly Road.  That was the 3rd school built in the area. It's south room was for the primary grades, and the north room served grammar grades.  Sliding doors, when opened, produced an auditoriaum seating for nearly 200 people.   The Mazeppa School was sold in 1953 to the Union Church.  

The Union Schools continued in use until 1953, replaced by the new school at Buffalo Crossroads.



1904 Pupils 

1904 Report

1905 Grammar School, Teacher Milton Best


1912 Mazeppa Graduated
Nellie Barber, Dale pa Raker, Mary Hotternstein
Second Row: Mamie Linan, Zella Pearce, Frank Boyer, teacher Marble Baker.
Third Row: Verna Heimbach, Margaret Morningstar, Paul Kelly, Mirian Beaver



Year Unknown

1935, School Wired For Lights

Year Unknown

The School House in 2023

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