Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Roller Skating Endurance Contest At Knoebels, 1933

The Crystal Ballroom & Skating Rink at Knoebels, Built 1933
[Today the Roaring Creek Arcade building]

In the early days of Knoebels, rides were operated by individuals who paid rent to Knoebels.  The first ride to open was a carousel, in 1926.  But then, the Great Depression arrived.  While many still visited Knoebels, few had the money to build and operate new rides.  There was however, a sawmill on the property, and plenty of wood..  so it was a good time to build pavilions, cottages, and, a skating rink and ballroom.  Roller Skating was very popular in the 1930s.

So popular in fact, that in September of 1933, a "Roller Skating Endurance" Contest was held at the Knoebels Skating Rink.  15 Couples entered the contest on Wednesday August 30th.  

On Saturday September 8th 1933, at the end of the skating rinks fist season, Knoebels Grove held a "Roller Skating Endurance Contest".

No breaks. Continuous skating.  Eat and drink while skating.  
The world's record for skating endurance was, at that time, 3 days.

The contest began at 7pm on Wednesday August 30th 1933, and lasted for a week.  

"Two of the regions well known doctors will be on hand at all time to render what assistance may be needed.  They will be assisted by two trained nurses, Miss Helen Godleki of Mount Caramel and Miss Margaret Jones of Ashland"

Of those 15 couples originally listed as signed up for the event, only 10 were still registered on August 31st, and of those 10, 4 dropped out the day the contest began.

At 7am on August 31st, less than 24 hours into the contest, 5 contestants dropped out.  Those remaining after 7am were listed as:

  • Mickey Swad, Mount Caramel 
  • Pete Shepos, Shamokin & Curley Marchetti Mount Caramel
  • Thomas Higgins, Excelsior & Jean Moll, Mount Carmel
  • Bob Eckman, Shamokin & Barbara Millage, Centralia
  • Dan Balses Pottsville and Gladys Burd, Elysburg
  • Bill Chapman, Ashland & Dot Dundra, Brady
  • Marie Ryan, Centralia & John Moll, Marion Heights
  • Terry Yodez, Mount Caramel

Six couples remained in the competition, on Saturday September 2nd.
100 spectators visited each day, more than 1,000 in attendance [at a ticket price of 25 cents each] over the week long marathon.  The original prize of $50 [The equivalent of roughly $1200 in 2023] was being increased as the marathon continued.  

September 5th, 1933 - Three Couples Remained

Three couples remained, on Tuesday September 5th: Pete Shepos & Curlie Marchetti, Gladys Burd & Dan Balsis, Barbara Millage and Bob Eckman.

  Bill Chapman, "a solo skater who usually took it upon himself to arouse the crowd of spectators with his bag of acrobatic tricks was forced to drop out early this morning because of sore feet."  

On September 8th the Shamokin News Dispatch reported that the marathon was on it's 10th day, with only two couples "continuing the grind on rollers on the spacious Crystal Ballroom."

"Sixteen couples [other reports state 15, and some say 10] entered the marathon on wheels, but one by one the competing couples fell by the wayside, leaving but two couples in the competition during the last 48 hours"

The two couples remaining were Daniel Bolsis & Gladys Burd, and Robert Eckman and Barbara Millage.

According to the same article, 15 minute rests had been added to the program.  "Under the plan of the marathon, each couple skates for a given length of time and is then permitted a 15 minute rest."  The four remaining contestants were reported to be showing evidence of fatigue, but "are kept in good condition by nurses and other attendants"

The next day the same paper reported that Bob Eckman and Barbara Millage withdrew from the floor at noon on September 8th.

September 9th, 1933

On Sunday September 10th, at 9pm,  a ceremony was held, awarding "loving cups"  and the cash prizes to the winners.  News articles stated that the winners "would appear in the Victoria Theater at Shamokin"

The Danville Morning News reported that seven cash prizes and four loving cups were presented.  The prizes were listed as:
1st Prize - Daniel Balsis  and Gladys Burd
2nd Prize - Barbara Millage and Bob Eckman
3d Prize - Pete (Pretzels) Chepros and Margaret Marchette
4th Prize William Chapman, "who acted the part of the clown during the contest" 

More About Knoebels Skating Rink
In May of 1933, the Mount Caramel Item reported on the many improvements made to Knobel's Grove.  Included was:

"One of the largest and most modern ball rooms in their part of the state has been erected, where both dancing and roller skating will be conducted during the oncoming summer.  Some of the best orchestras from Reading and also local orchestras have been booked. Wednesday evenings modern dancing and Friday evenings modern and square dancing.  Skating will be conducted Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons and evenings.

Skating at Knoebels

1958 Park Map showing the location of the Skating Rink

Skating display in the back of the Coal Miners Museum.

The skating rink at Knoebels closed in 1983 [I'm told, due to "skyrocketing insurance rates"]. 

May 1933

August 1933

Those entered in the contest were:
[This list changed frequently!  This was the original list posted in the newspaper]
  1. Pete Shepos, Shamokin, & Margaret Marchetti, Mount Caramel
  2. Dan Balses, Pottsville, &  Juel Puketsa, Mount Caramel
  3. Thomas Higgins, Excelsior & Jean Moll, Mount Caramel
  4. May Yodis, Mount Caramel & Mike Mall, Keiser
  5. Robert Echmon, Shamokin & Barbara Millage, Centralia
  6. Curtis Berresford, William Penn & Gladys Bird, Elysburg [Gladys was one of the winners, but Curtis was not her partner]
  7. John Mall, Keister & Marie Ryan, Centralia
  8. Robert Loreman, Bloomsburg & Edith Fedan, Bloomsburg
  9. [Dropped Out Day Of] "Dot" Dudra, Brady & Tony Augustine, Mount Caramel
  10. Catherine Landy, Mount Caramel & Joe Pasterskit, Keiser
  11.  [Dropped Out Day Of] Celia Durovich, Mount Caramel & Frank Pupo, Keiser
  12. Paul Rega, Shamokin & Rachel Paulash, Bloomsburg
  13. Ethel McGinley, Centralia & John Hepner, Brady [Ethel and Jose Pasterskie dropped out day of]
  14. Johnny Scott, Mount Caramel & Celia Oelovich, Springfield
  15. Joe Ostich, Kulpmont & Celia Karlocich, Mount Caramel
 The Four Couples Who Dropped Out were listed as: 
  • Mickey Swad & Celia Durovich, [Listed above as registered with Frank Pupo]
  • Bill Chapman and Alberta Suprinski, 
  • Jose Pasterskie and Ethel McGinley [Ethel was originally listed with a different partner]
  • Tony Augustine and Dot Dudra

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