Tuesday, October 1, 2024

"Disappearance of the Old Ferry House" Sunbury 1878


Disappearance of the Old Ferry House.

The old log building known as the Ferry Hotel, on the west side of the river, near the terminus of the ferry, has been torn down, and before many days have gone by, all traces -of the time-honored structure will have been obliterated and its rough-hewn, antique component parts converted into, kindling wood to make room for the march of improvement.

 It was built entirely of wood and was very substantial, having withstood the storms of over a century. Its early history is shrouded somewhat in mystery, and the memory, of the oldest inhabitant, though severely taxed, has failed to reveal the name of the original owner, the exact date of its construction, or just how many there were at the "house-warming." 

Sufficient data is in our possession, however in the way of legends, coin antedating the Revolution, and other souvenirs of antiquity to warrant us in making the assertion that over a century has elapsed since ground was broken for its construction. Years ago tribes of Indians who infested this locality congregated at the old inn, and bartered their stock in trade for the productions of the pale face - and it is presumable that they  indulged in some extont in the libations of "fire water," which were dispensed over the rude bar.

 Here, too, were spent many happy hours by the raftmen from the lumber regions, who were to tarry at this popular hostelry on their way down the river, and the little bar-room at one end of the building was the  scene of many a frolic. The establishment also gloried in a dancing platform and there  are venerable residents of that locality who still hold pleasant remembrances of the gay times they have had conjointly with the rustic maidens while "tripping the light fantastic' over its smooth surface.

During the work of demolition a large number of sight-seers and curiosity hunters were attracted to the place, and several of them who were searching in the ruins reaped quite a harvest in the wav of relics. One , young man found a $5 gold piece, another several old pennies and other copper coins, : and a certain gentleman of that vicinity "(whose corpulence was cumbersome prior to the introduction of "snti-fat") asserted, with a solemnity of expression appropriate only with a camp-meeting exhorter, that a penny dated A. D. 100, had been found among other things! 

 Among the articles resurrected was a well preserved copy of the American, dated April 8, 1848, containing a special. message from President Polk to Congress, and an acknowledgment of the receipt of public documents from Hon. G.M. Dallas and Hon Simon Cameron, father of our present representative in, the United States Senate. The American at this date had just been enlarged, and was filled with interesting matter from all parts of the state. 

 The old tavern is to be rebuilt in modern style by Ira T Clement, Esq., one of our most enterprising citizens, with all the necessary improvements, and will .be continued as a public resort by the  genial 'Billy" Reese, who is the present occupant. - Sunbury Daily American, 1878

Read more about the Ferries at Sunbury, here:


Sketch at the top of the page is from:
The Ferry House, in From Reminisces Of Sunbury  by  Irwin, 1910

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