Monday, May 15, 2017

Man Walking With Donkey

There's a man walking through our area, headed to Harrisburg, with a donkey. Apparently he has made this walk the past two years, but this is the first time he's brought a donkey along. He's not homeless, he doesn't need or want anything, and he's not trying to raise money or awareness for anything. He really doesn't even want all the attention. 
(Although he's walking with a donkey and camping along the highway... so he's getting a good bit of attention.) He's just taking a trip, on foot, with his donkey.

Our local country radio station was all abuzz all week, as he passed through our area.
"Here is the man and his donkey (burro?) that has dominated the conversation this morning on WILQ! They were recently spotted in Waterville, Jersey Shore, Nippenose Valley, Elimsport and this morning along Rt.15 Soutbound between White Deer and Allenwood. Geeze, no wonder they are catching a little shut-eye in this picture sent to us by Pam from earlier in the trip, "

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