Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Muncy Boat Launch - CLOSED TO BOATS

The Muncy Boat Launch has been closed to boaters since 2016. Plans are in progress to build a new launch down river, but it may be a few more years until it is completed.

If you have ever put your kayaks in, or taken out, at the Muncy Boat Launch, you probably noticed the islands of silt and sediment a few feet from the shore.  They were hard to miss, with small trees and bushes growing up out of them. 

The Muncy Creek, just a short distance upstream, naturally pushes this sediment into the river, where it builds up into a sandbar.  When the water levels are l
ow, boaters are forced to wade through this sediment, which can be a bit like walking through quicksand.  
Signs on the tree beside the launch state that boating is prohibited here.

In the summer of 2016, a woman attempting to wade to shore with her kayak got stuck in that sediment.  Fellow paddlers were able to pull her out and she was not hurt, but in July of that year, the boat launch was deemed unsafe, and the area was closed to the public.  

At that time, the entire area was closed.  Those who so much as walking their dogs in the area were fined.  
The boat launch is roped off.  The sign is a reminder to clean off your boats, which may be a bit confusing - but no boating is permitted here currently, not even kayaks or canoes that can be carried around the barriers.

In February of 2018 Representative Garth Everett announced that the area would be partially reopened.  The public would be able to use the parking area, and were permitted to access the area for recreational activities, and would no longer be fined for walking there.  The boat launch however, would remain closed, and concrete barriers would block off boats access to the river.

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced their plans to build a new launch in this area, as engineers determined that dredging the area would be a short term solution.

In October of 2018, the state released $250,000 towards this project.  PFBC Commissioner John Arway  made it clear at last week’s meeting that the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission was prepared to match the $250,000 from the state, making $500,000 available for the new launch site.

The sandbar to the left of the boat launch.

 At a meeting in  July of 2019, The PFBC authorized the acquisition of an approximately 3-acre parcel of property at a cost of $71,500,  for the new boat launch.  The proposed site is just down river from the current location.

A zoning hearing was scheduled in January of 2020, but the PFBC  filed for a 90 day extension while lawyers look into the easements.

According to many reports, although this seems like a tediously slow process, it's lightening speed for a government project.  Still, it will likely  be a few more years before we see a new boat launch in this area. 

Fortunately, for those of us who kayak and canoe, there is a walk in access from the Muncy Heritage park a short distance away.  Read more about it here -

There's a facebook group here, for the latest updates on  Rebuilding The Muncy Boat Launch -

More Places To Kayak


A Time Line - 
July 2016 - The Muncy Boat Launch was closed in 2016, dues to unsafe water conditions created by sediment build up.

February 2018 - Rep. Everett announced that the area would be partially reopened for public use, but that the boat launch ramp would remain closed.

Oct 2018 - $250,000 state grant is received for the rebuilding of the boat launch.  Estimated cost of the project is $525,000. PFBC prepared to match those funds, making $500,000 available for the project.

July 2019 - The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission authorized the acquisition of an approximately 3-acre parcel of property located in Muncy Creek Township, at a cost of $71,500.

January 27th 2020 - Zoning Hearing for the proposed new boat launch location, 90 day extension granted while lawyers look into easements.

In March of 2020 - an additional 45 day extension was granted. The Fish and Boat Commission has sent the plans to the county, and all parties are now waiting for the next meeting.

The best source for the latest updates is here -

Read More:$250,000-for-Muncy-Boat-Launch-Ramp

Nearby River Access for Kayaks and Canoes -

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