Sunbury PA
This is a rough draft - I'll come back later and add the Sanborn Fire Maps and additional photos. For now, this is a start:
" Market Street in Sunbury during the flood in the Susquehanna River in the year 1865, taken from opposite the City Hotel, looking west, the court house in the distance. The late John B. Lenker, of Chestnut and Fourth Streets... sits astride one of his trotting horses..." From Reminisces by Irwin
Market Day, Sunbury Pa - 1905/1907
This postcard is a retouched version of the photo below. It was common for postcards to be touched up - poles removed, color added, even in 1905!
Market Street Looking East - Trolley
Market Street, Looking East, Sunbury Pa
[when were street lamps installed?]
East Market Street, Sunbury
Looking East on Market Street, Sunbury PA
401 Market Street, Edison Hotel
The City Hotel was built in 1871. It was renamed the Hotel Edison in 1922.
Looking east on Market Street, 1960s?
Looking east - Courthouse - 1875
Market From Front
Street Paving - possibly removing trolley tracks?
Looking West, Hotel Edison shown
Grant, Woolworth, Newberry
Brooks, W.T. Grant
W.T. Grant, The Strand, Walkers... Looking West
1978 Advertisement
To Sort Out
Nesbits on Right
430 Market Street
430 Market street in the 1880s
A.J.Stroh Livery Stable and Saddlery
Rea & Derrick's #1 Store, 1940s
430 market Street
"Compare the wood locomotive in this picture with today's Diesel and the scenery with Sunbury's Third Market Streets as it. is today, and try to deny that times change. The photo, recovered by E. A. Fleming of South Front Street from a dumping ground, shows one of the locomotives of the Northern Central Railroad, predecessor of the Pennsylvania, with its proud crew posing| the cameraman.
Note the awnings in the rear, in front of the present Rea and Derick Central for drug store, with the watering trough for horses at the curb, also the unpaved Street. Written condition of Market Street, , and the fact that the railroad then had a single track on Third on the back 188/5T, 1851." "
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