Saturday, May 18, 2024

Northumberland County Historical Society Museum At Fort Augusta, Sunbury Pa

1150 North Front Street, Sunbury, PA 17801-1126

For current hours, check their facebook page:

When entering Hunter House, to your right will be a genealogical library with a large assortment of historical books, as well as genealogical volumes.  There's a wealth of information stored there!  The society regularly holds programs in that area.  The above painting, one of my favorite local paintings, is displayed in that room

To your left will be the museum, with the entrance lines with wood poles such as those that would have been used to form the fort that once stood here.

The museum is a mixture of large displays and dioramas, as well as smaller display cases showcasing memorabilia and photos from local stores, and local events.

A model of Fort Augusta

Assorted display cases showcase photos and artifacts from Sunbury

From their website:
"The museum at the Hunter House features a permanent exhibit of archaeological material recovered on the site during digs in 1937-1938, 1978-1979, and 1981. There are many items recovered from the Moravian Blacksmith Shop of 1743, Native American artifacts, as well as Fort Augusta. The exhibit also features a mural which depicts the construction of the fort, and items which represent fort life."

Many images of Shikellamy can be seen here.

I always love a good map!  This one shows the Forks of the Susquehanna.  

The Hunter House Museum was turned over to the Northumberland County Historical Society in 1989.
In addition to the museum and genealogy room, there's also a model of Fort Augusta to see in the front yard, with speakers to tell some of the history as you walk around the display.  The original well, and Magazine, from the fort are visible, as well as a variety of historical markers, and a stone from the Susquehanna Canal.  Across the street is an overlook gazebo, for viewing the image of Shikellamy on the side of the mountain across the river.


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