Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Tourist Camps

Tourist Camps & Cottages

As the trolley tracks were removed, and automobiles rose in popularity, "Tourist Camps" popped up in many of our local towns. These camps were small villages, with a variety of very small dwellings where tourists could spend the night.  


One of the tourist cabins from The Blue Spruce has been restored, and is sitting at the Blue Spruce in Milton,  in 2024.

Along the Lincoln Highway, there is a 1940s Motor Court still operating today!

Nearby is a historical marker that reads:
"By 1923, motor camping was the number one national pastime. Automobiles provided average Americans a new type of freedom and a way to escape their daily routine by touring the countryside on short weekend trips or cross-country treks. But it wasn't long that travelers desired more conveniences - thus, the birth of tourist cabins!

Individual tourist cabins offered more security, hot showers, and radios. With the growth of national chain hotels and motels, tourist cabins struggled for survival. However, the Lincoln Motor Court (built in 1944) provides an authentic, Lincoln Highway-era setting for today's visitors."



Blairs Tourist Park
6 Miles North Of Williamsport
In Hepburnville Pa



 Bucknell View








Here's a list, from the 1936 Lewisburg Journal, of places for Tourists to stop for food & lodging in Lewisburg, Sunbury, and Milton. This is from the era when driving was still fairly new, and it was an adventure to drive from Shamokin, or Williamsport, and stay in a tourist cottage or park in Milton or Lewisburg - or vice versa. People did sometimes came from much further away too, staying at several tourist camps along their route. Cars didn't travel as fast in those days, and roads were not at all like what we have today.

This is a photo of the Foster Family, In Texas - Not a local family.
This type of set up was described in an article about a park in Milton, I think at the Island..  but I can't remember, and have not yet located it. 


Lewisburg's Free Tourist Camp

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