Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sights To See - 9/11 Memorials

We lived in Montandon, Pa, when the attacks occurred on 9/11.  Days later, we could see the debris on the horizon, from our yard here in central Pennsylvania.  Early the  next year, my husband and I drove into the city to see the memorials and the empty space where the towers once stood.  There were still flyers on the fences, from family members searching for lost loved ones. 

We will never forget.

Remnants Of The Towers
As Memorials
 On the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, there were 7,000 tons of steel from the twin towers stored in a hangar at JFK airport.  

A memorial-making program began, running through 2016, in which the Port Authority solicited requests for World Trade Center artifacts from fire and police departments, libraries, small-town museums, military and veteran organizations, and local governments, and  other interested groups. 

Fragments were distributed to all 50 states. There are  memorials built around World Trade Center  steel in Canada, Germany, Italy, England and Israel. U.S. military bases in South Korea and Afghanistan received 9/11 steel, as well.





Note - a similar system was used for creating memorials for the Spanish American War. The Spanish American War began when more than 250 Navy crewman lost their lives in an explosion on one of America's first battleships.  When the ship was brought up from the sea in 1911, pieces were distributed throughout the United States, to be used as memorials.  One such piece went to Danville, and another to Scranton.

The Pilato Mural In Williamsport, Pa

"The Sept. 11 section of the mural also includes a representation of the World Trade Center that is shrouded in blue, which represents the horrific events that morning. Thousands of tiny flowers interwoven throughout this area represent the many lives that were lost that day. Nearby, another solemn tribute is found, a small, burnished metal cross fashioned from steel beams that came from the Twin Towers."

This section of the mural is part of Pilatos annual 48 hour vigil - where he paints for 48 hours straight on the anniversary  of 9/11. 

See more of the Pilato Mural here:

The Flight 93 Memorial

The Annual 9/11 Memorial Ride
 in Lycoming County Pa
Route For the Annual 9/11 Ride

The first ride was organized by Thomas “Tank” Baird, coalition president, and Don Miller, and took place just 4 days after the attack.

"The ride is a way for the participants and spectators to show respect for those in the U.S. military and law enforcement, first responders and others who protect America from terrorism and who have lost their lives since that terrible day and to “Never Forget.” - The Sun Gazette

The event leaves from, and ends at, the Clinton Twp Firehall in Montgomery.  A memorial service is held at 5pm, and the ride begins promptly at 6pm, rain or shine, each year.

The non profit ride does not charge a fee to participate, and any money raised goes to fire, police, and EMS activities.

Mifflinburg Fire Company
34.3 Mile Memorial Walk

For a number of years, The Mifflinburg Hose Company No. hosted an annual 9/11 walk.  The walk began in Hughesville, traveling south on Rt. 405 through Muncy, Montgomery, Watsontown, Milton and then heading west on Rt. 45 through Lewisburg and ending at Station 3 in Mifflinburg. It covered 34.3 miles honoring the 343 fire fighters who gave their lives on September 11th, 2001.
The walk was not held in 2023, due to the stations 125th anniversary celebration.

9/11 Moments Of Silence
A Time Line Of The Attacks
As Viewed From Space

"Expedition 3 Commander Frank Culbertson was aboard the International Space Station at the time of the attacks, and the only American on the crew. As soon as he learned of the attacks, he began documenting the event in photographs because the station was flying over the New York City area. He captured incredible images in the minutes and hours following the event. From his unique vantage point in space, he recorded his thoughts of the world changing beneath him."

An Excellent Post About The Dogs of 9/11


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