Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sights To See - Murals & Sculptures

Where To Find The Murals & Sculptures

[As with every post on this blog, this is a work in progress!   Feel free to leave a comment, or post on the Valley Girl Views facebook page, to let me know of those I have missed.]

Columbia & Montour County Murals


Mill St, Danville






Lycoming County Murals
Northumberland County Murals

 49 Broadway
On The Coup Agency Building


Front Street

On The Moose Building

 73 Broadway
On The Speedy's Building
 30 Elm Street
Former Florist Building

Warrior Run High School


Sunbury Murals

Union County Murals


The Parallax Mural
On The Piers
Lewisburg Pa

Lewisburg Pa


In Mifflinburg Pa









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I'll read the comments and approve them to post as soon as I can! Thanks for stopping by!