Friday, September 13, 2024

The Independent Order Of Redmen

Order Of Redmen on Parade in Williamsport, 1912

"The Improved Order of Red Men is a fraternal organization established in North America in 1834. It claims direct descent from the colonial era Sons of Liberty. Their rituals and regalia are modeled after those assumed by men of the era to be used by Native Americans."

The organization [or club] still exists today.

Red Mens Band, Milton Pa

The Milton Historical Society hosted a display of Red Men items in 2022.

Miltonian, January 1929

Danville was Tribe #77

Who Are The Red Men?
And that is the correct tense - "are".  This fraternity still exists today.  "The fraternity traces its origins back to 1765 and is descended from the Sons of Liberty. These patriots concealed their identities and worked "underground" to help establish freedom and liberty in the early Colonies. They patterned themselves after the great Iroquois Confederacy and its democratic governing body."

Williamsport Sun-Gazette 
Williamsport, Pennsylvania

04 Sep 1914, Fri  •  Page 7

An 1889 Improved Order Of Redmen Certificate

Eventually I will get back to this, and research it more.  For now, this is simply where I am dumping all of the information as I gather it.  


More Stories Mentioning The Red Men Fraternity



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