Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Genetti's Ghost


The Genetti's Ghost
According to the photographer, no one was in the room when this photo was taken in the old Lycoming [today Genetti] hotel.  When he developed the film, this girl appeared in the photo.

Employees say they have heard giggling, especially in the laundry room, and that its this child haunting the hotel.  Other stories frequently mention the "ghost on the 8th floor" (but this photo is in the lobby, not on the 8th floor, so perhaps that is another ghost)

One possible explanation for the photo:
"Because such an exposure would take a long time, the photographer would set his camera on a tripod, open the lens, and then perhaps go for a stroll. If someone happened to walk into the scene briefly and pause during this time, he or she might be recorded as an ethereal image, a “ghost.”

Read more about the Lycoming Hotel (today the Genetti) here:

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