Friday, December 25, 2020

200 Loaves Of Bread For Milton's Poor - Huth's Bakery


December 25, 1876  - "William W. Huth, continuing the practice established by his father, distributed 200 loaves of bread among the deserving poor of Milton"

The Huff  bakery was located on the west side of south Front Street.  It was opened by Henry Huth, father of William, a cooper who came to Milton and opened a large bakery.    "Having amassed a considerable fortune, he built the Riverside Hotel, a large and handsome building, which he opened last year as a summer resort."

The Riverside was built in 1869. 
Henry's obituary in 1891 stated that that Henry & his wife came to Milton in 1857, where he "has been engaged in public catering of one kind or another almost continually, with short interruptions; within the last decade he took charge of the Riverside on April 1st last, and had made a comfortable and pleasant, homelike place for his guests at an unusually fair rate." 

According to an article in the Miltonian in October 1872, Mr Henry Huth repurchased the property he built on Front Street.  He had sold the property to D. Sulouff & Milton Walker, and in 1872 he planned to reopen the confectionary store, and re-establish the bakery and oyens and ice cream saloon.

Henry owned the Riverside in 1875, when it caught on fire.
Read more about the 1875 fire here:

Nathaniel Huth, one of Henry's sons, ran an oyster saloon in the basement of the Riverside hotel in the 1870s.  In the 1880s, he became a proprietor oat the European Hotel.

In February 1891 the Miltonion reported that the Riverside Hotel was being "refitted as a business place".  In May 1891 the Riverside was opened as a hotel.  But it was already listed as a hotel in the 1875 fire... perhaps when it was rebuilt after the fire, it was not a hotel again until 1891?

In October of 1891, The Riverside was for sale.

October 22, 1897

Cupp from Williamsport purchased Huffs Bakery in 1897.

Nathaniel moved to Brookville in 1897.  Three of his sons, grandsons of Henry, went into the bakery business as well.

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At eight o’clock in the evening of Sunday, December 12th, 1875, Mr. Henry Huth, proprietor of the Riverside Hotel, on Front street, discovered heavy volumes of smoke issuing from the rear basement of his house. He at once gave the alarm of fire, and then, with the assistance of Mr. J. G. Kurtz, entered the room with buckets of water, to find the location of the fire, and to extinguish it if possible. But the dense smoke made it impossible to remain inside for more than a single moment. In a very short time, the two hand-engines were on the spot, and each had a stream into the burning basement - one from the front, and the other from the rear. The house was kept closed as tightly as practicable to smother the fire, or at least to retard its progress until help could arrive from Lewisburg and Watsontown. Dispatches had been sent to those towns for aid, but, as it was Sunday evening, there was no locomotive under steam at either place. Permission, however, was received from the superintendent of the railroad, and they were then fired up as quickly as possible. - The History Of Northumberland County

"At the end of that time, banking-rooms were rented for a term of twenty-five years, in the block of Mr. Henry Huth, on Front street. There it continued business until the block was destroyed in the great fire of December 12th, 1875. The safes and other property were got out, with but very trifling loss, and removed to premises on the opposite side of Front street, owned by Mrs. Frymire, and occupied by D. W. Angell, who vacated to accommodate the bank.

Here it did business until July 12th, 1876, when it was moved to the new banking-house which had been built on land purchased from Mr. Huth; being the same spot which it occupied at the time of the fire."  - The History Of Northumberland County

July 1875
The Milton Academy held their reunion at the Riverside Hotel

From Industrial and Commercial Resources of Pennsylvania, Historical Publishing Company, 1887, page 96: Riverside Hotel, John F. Parker, Proprietor - The Riverside Hotel first opened its doors eighteen years ago (1869), and has always been a general favorite with the traveling community and among all classes of citizens of Milton. Mr. John F. Parker became proprietor five years ago (1882) and entirely refurnished the house and made extensive alterations and improvements, so that now it is a model hotel in every particular. The sleeping-rooms are large, well ventilated, commodious, and comfortably furnished; gas and steam heat, toilet-closets, bath-rooms, and all the modern improvements are furnished, and a handsome barber-shop is connected with the establishment. A large livery and boarding stable supplies guests with elegant equipages, and a free bus makes connections with all trains. The house has become highly popular among commercial travelers, and sample-rooms are at hand for their express accommodation. The dining room, which will comfortably seat seventy-five guests, is noted for the abundance and excellence of the cuisine and the neatness with which everything is served. The house is always well filled and has become a most popular headquarters for business men who visit Milton from time to time. Every effort is made upon the part of the hospitable and painstaking proprietor to make his guests comfortable and at home during their sojourn with him. Mr. Parker is a native of Northumberland County, and since residing in Milton has become highly popular among all classes, and his hotel is first-class in every particular.

The Riverside Hotel later became the William Harris Restaurant.



Henry Huth Death Notice
February 1892
William Huths Obituary, 1919

Fight outside of the Riverside Hotel, January 1891

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