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A Diagram from the Northumberland Press, showing the buildings destroyed in the fire at Milton on December 12 1875. ================== One of the most incredible things about this fire, considered the "Great Milton Fire" at the time, is that this was nothing compared to what was to come. Just 5 years later, the entire town would burn down. In 1876, the town, having learned from this fire, did purchase a steamer and a hook and ladder. In October of 1879, 4 years after this fire, the town council held a special meeting and sold its upper engine house, two hand engines, hose and hose cart. It took less than 5 years for the town to forget this 1875 fire, a decision that would have dire consequences in May of 1880. ====================== The 1875 Fire |
At about 8pm on the Sunday evening of December 12, 1875, smoke was observed in the hall leading to the upper rooms of the Riverside Hotel. Those who were staying upstairs got out quickly. One woman, a Mrs. Huth, narrowly escaped suffocation, and "for several hours required the attention of three physicians".
No fire could be seen, but the sound of cracking, "as if dry hemlock was burning", could be heard. Crowds of people on their way home from church stopped along the street, and "the most fearful excitement prevailed, as dark heavy columns of smoke rose over doomed buildings."
"Adding to the terror of the scene, the wind blew almost a hurricane. Men and women were rushing in all direction while those interested in the adjoining buildings at once commenced the removal of their goods.
"It soon became apparent that, with the inefficient preparations of the town for fighting fire, the loss of property would be great. Watsontown and Lewisburg were at once appraised of the fire. Calls were made on other places, but the lines were not open." - The Lewisburg Journal
Smoke was billowing from the two buildings on either side of the hotel, but still, not a spark nor flame was seen when the Watsontown fire company arrived in Milton at 10pm
At 10:45pm, flames burst through the roof of the hotel, and within minutes, the large 3 story buildings on each side were both engulfed in flames.
The Lewisburg Fire Company soon arrived with their steamer, but the water "had little effect".
"There seemed to be no change of cutting off the fire above, short of Broadway, as the buildings were all connected, but the firemen worked manfully and succeeded about two o'clock in the morning in getting it under control at the store of George L. Piper."
"A reporter of the Gazette and Bulletin visited Milton last evening to view the ruins of the recent great fire. On entering the business portion of the town it was evident, from the groups of persons assembled on the street corner and places of business, that something unusual had occurred. The fire seemed to be the only topic of conversation. The office of Huff's hotel was filled with people who had not yet gotten over the excitement of the previous night. In the store store of William Phillips, adjoining the burned district, were several of the parties who had lost heavily in the fire." - The Sunbury Gazette
The Damages
Pipers business was damaged by fire and water, with damages estimated to be in the amount of $1,500 (roughly $35,000 today). Other buildings damaged or lost in the fire included:
- Haag's Block, Haag's & Sons - The building owned by B.K. Haag contained two store fronts, each 30 by 110 feet. One was a stationary store, the other was said to be the largest stock of hardware in Northern Pennsylvania. The building and its contents were entirely destroyed.On the second floor of this building were the offices of John Miller, Justice of the peace, Eli Mowrey, Photographer and the printing office of J. Kurtz. Mowry was not present at the time of the fire and all of his materials were lost. Miller's and Kurtz's losses were described as "trifling". The Knights Of Pythias occupied the 3rd floor of the building, but they were able to remove all of their items before the fire spread.
- J.F. Gauger Clothing -Jacob Gauger owned a three story building with brownstone trimmings. He was able to remove all the stock from his clothing store before it was damaged by the fire.
- The Riverside Hotel (where the fire began)a 3 story brick building, 46 feet by 110 feet, owned by Henry Huth
- The First National Bank -The National bank was located in the Riverside Hotel. The valuables were all removed to the Milton National Bank, "leaving nothing in their vaults but some old books of little value"
- The Goodlander Block, at the time owned by the "Goodlander heirs" had a complete iron front for three stories, and the front of the building remained intact, keeping the shell of the building from collapsing. The 3rd floor was occupied by the masonic lodge, and everything from there was saved before the fire spread. Also contained in the building was the Sanford & Waldron Drug Store, George W. Evans Merchant Tailor business, Charles Krauser Boot & Shoe Store. Most of the stock from those businesses was able to be removed before the fire destroyed the building. In 1859, "a handsome building occupying the same site" was burned.
Five years later, in May of 1880, The Great Fire would once again wipe out these buildings, and hundred more. See photos of the 1880 fire here - https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-great-fire-of-1880-when-entire-town.html
On December 12 1875, 13 businesses, including the Goodlander Block, in Milton were destroyed by fire. In the diagram above, the buildings inside the thicker black lines were all affected. They included:
J.F. Gauger Clothing
The Riverside Hotel (where the fire started)
The First National Bank
Sandford & Waldron Drugstore
My home inherited from father withstood the Great Fire of Milton. The “Herthington House” is what they called the home in doing research on the home’s history since I knew it’s has been in our family for quite some time.