Thursday, May 23, 2024

Building Memorial Park, in Danville PA

Memorial Park, along Bloom Street In Danville, is 3 cemeteries turned into a town park.
The oldest burial grounds in the area, by 1907 there were three separate cemeteries here.  Some of the graves were moved to other cemeteries, by family members.  Others simply had the stones laid flat, and ground was placed over the top to make a flat area for the park.  

The first large soldiers monument was erected here in 1908, formerly dedicated on Memorial Day 1909.  Over the years, various other memorials have been added to the Memorial Park.

For more information on the burials here:

After the burying ground fell into disrepair many of those interred, at least those with families who could afford the cost of removal,  were moved to other cemeteries. 

Construction of the new Memorial Park, along Bloom St in Danville, 1908

The remaining tombstones were laid flat and covered with fill.  The area was then  leveled and turned into   Memorial Park.

The park was formally named Memorial Park at a meeting on Wednesday December 30th 1908

 Maliciously Inclined Boys Seem to Regard Park as Public Play Ground. 
Residents in the vicinity of Memorial Park state that the young trees planted on Arbor day are being injured by thoughtless or maliciously inclined boys, who seem to regard the park a public play ground. It is no unusual sight to see the boys beating the tender trees with clubs, bending them over, & The bark is knocked off some of the trees and the inference would be that they are also injured about the roots as the result of the hard usage to which they have been subjected. It is to be regretted that one or more of the offenders have not been arrested.

If an example were made of one it would probably have the effect of deterring others. We are informed that an effort is being made to obtain the names of the boys whose wanton conduct is described above..
The Danville Morning News, January 1909

The New "Memorial Park", 319 Bloom Street, about 1909
[Date is based on the lights being installed]

Beers history of Columbia & Montour Counties mistakenly lists the date as 1908 - the park was dedicated  on Memorial Day 1909:

"At the time the park was first discussed, the veterans of Danville urged the erecting of a monument to their departed comrades.  Subscriptions came in rapidly.  The county commissioners appropriated $5,00 and in the Spring of 1908 [1909] the present granite obelisk was completed.

This monument was dedicated at the same time the park was thrown open to the public, May 30th 1908 [should read 1909]."

Construction of the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial at Memorial Park in Danville Pa

A committee had been working towards a monument for years before the cemetery was removed and turned into a town park. Residents feared it had been too long since the war [civil war] and that there would not be enough interest to raise enough money. However, once the park was made on Bloom street, a new initiative began in earnest, and the monument was built almost immediately.

The 5 Ton Capstone was set in place on the monument  on Thursday December 10th 1908

Four granite balls, each 3 feet in diameter were placed on each corner of the base.

"Spectacular Operation at the Soldiers' Monument Yesterday.

 Just as twilight settled over the earth last evening the first section of the ponderous capstone of granite was set in place on the soldiers' monument. It was a most spectacular operation, witnessed by a large crowd of people.

 By Wednesday night the topmost course was laid and nothing remained but to set the capstone in position. This stone was divided into three parts, the bottom section, the largest, weighing only a fraction less than five tons Practically one half a day was occupied in getting this stone to the top of the monument.

The forenoon was spent in getting things in readiness. The scaffolding had to he altered some what before sufficient room was secured to enable the stone to swing clear as it was being raised. 

With six brawny men at the wind lass the work of raising the stone began at 4 o'clock. It was within a few minutes of five o'clock when it was set in place. The movement of the five-ton stone as it was windlassed up was steady and uniform, although barely perceptible to the eye.

The great weight, the apparently frail support and the height to be attained created a feeling of suspense among the spectators and there was a sigh of relief as the stone was set in place."
The Danville Morning News Fri, Dec 11, 1908

A box was made and inserted into the monument, containing:

 a record of all the soldiers, living or dead, that ever belonged to Goodrich Post 398 in number;

 also all the names of those belonging to the Woman's Relief Corps, living or dead;

 a copy of the charter of Goodrich Post, all the present officers of the post, 

the members of the monument committee,

 by-laws of the State G.A.R. 
 two flags
 some brass buttons 
and cannon primers.

 "The whole collection was carefully wrapped in two copies of the Morning News, the one containing the first article written on the soldiers' monument, the other the last article written on the subject.

The package nicely filled the copper casket, which was carefully soldered shut and rendered air tight. It may be some days before the  box will be deposited in the monument."
Dec 8th 1908

"Cavalrymen and the Goddess of Peace stand at the base of the imposing monument, which was erected to honor the soldiers and sailors who fought to preserve the union during the Civil War."

Two canons, ornamental electric light poles, and a large flower bed was added in time for the Memorial Day Ceremony.

"The large flower bed in the form of a star at the western end of the ground will be sodded over owing to it's proximity to the spot near the P. & R. track where the large rectangular glower bed is staked off.

Ten ornamental lights were added in the park.  Today [2024] several of the lights that were originally in Memorial park are now in Riverfront park.

The 73 foot tall obelisk was dedicated on Memorial Day 1909.

There were 5,000 Programs passed out on the day of the dedication, and 1,000 school children held American Flags during the dedication.

Visitors from nearby towns arrived by train and trolley to view the parade, and dedication of the monument in the new park.

The program opened with singing My Country Tis Of Thee, and was followed by a Memorial Day address by Rev. L.D. Ulrich.  

A dedicatory address was then made by General Thomas J. Stewart.  Stewart spoke for more than an hour, after which the exercises closed with the singing of The Star Spangled Banner.

Frank Delong, the man who became a millionaire by adding a bump to the hook and eye, donated a flag to the park for July 4th 1909.
Read more about Delong here:

Vandalism continued to be a problem, with the newspapers reporting that officers could not patrol the park full time.  Neighbors reported that boys were using the monument as a target, shooting small stones at the structure.  Others were using the round balls as a base for acrobatic feats.

All before the monument was even dedicated.

In Memorial Park, Danville

The Spanish-American monument at Memorial Park was dedicated on July 4th 1925.  Twenty posts of Spanish-War veterans participated in the event.

Danville procured a small piece of metal from the ship in 1914.  Abigail Geisinger paid to have the tablets mounted into a stone monument.

Chief Burgess George B. Jacobs, sent an application to the Navy Department requesting a piece of the metal recovered from the battleship Maine that exploded in Havana Harbor on Feb. 15, 1898. Upon arrival in Danville, plans were made to properly mount the souvenir along with an engraved bronze and copper tablet and install it in one of the local parks. Mrs.A.A. Geisinger generously paid the full expense of placing the tablets into a monument. Borough officials decided to place it in Riverfront Park in 1914 near the waterworks.

In 1936, the small monument containing the Maine relic was removed from Riverfront Park to the Petriken area at the east end of Memorial Park on Bloom Street. The reason for the move was due to the placement of a retaining wall being built along the Susquehanna River in Riverfront Park.

The monument was recently moved to the western end of the park appropriately near the monument dedicated to the veterans of the Spanish-American War. The American Legion Post 40 refurbished it at that time.

Read More Here

The World War Memorial was first placed, and dedicated, at the Montour County Courthouse, in 1919.

This granite memorial, unveiled during several days of commemoration from August 30-September 3, 1919, weighs nearly 41 tons and has bronze plaques on three sides that are inscribed with a Roll of Honor 1917-1919.  It is estimated that approximately 18,000 people attended the unveiling, presided over by Pennsylvania Governor William C. Sproul.  The monument was cleaned, refinished and rededicated on November 11, 2017.

See more about the memorial, those names on it, and the 4 day welcome home celebration held in conjunction with the monuments dedication in 1919, here:


In July of 1949, a 3 day dedication of the World War II Memorial was held in conjunction with an "All Home Days".  I've uploaded the entire 35 page program, including information on each of those who served, along with photos of those who died in service, here:


The Korean-Vietnam monument was dedicated in September of 1970.  It was re-dedicated in May 1989, after missed names were added.



A Christmas ornament commemorating the monument
These types of ornaments were popular in the 1980s and 1990s.
See more of them here:

May 22nd 1909

May 1909

Monument Dedication, Memorial Day 1909

March 1909

Memorial Day Service, 1975

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