Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sights To See - The Monuments For Events That May Not Have Happened

Historical Events That May Not Have Ever Happened


Indian Princess
Jersey Shore Pa


The Historical Marker For A Tree That Doesn't Exist & An Event That May Not Have Happened


Antes Fort
"documenting" the spot where an Indian Chief and William Penn made a land deal, as well as marking the grave of this Indian Chief.
Lenape Wigwam
McElhattan Pa

A Muncy Post Office Mural



[1877 Geological & Geographical Study]
However...  in 2023, Kim Mattern spoke at the campus theater and made a VERY convincing argument for no buffalo ever existing in this part of the state.

The Danville Hoaxes
No Historical Markers or Monuments, just Hoax Headlines





Errors & Honest Mistakes
Those That Were Not Intentionally Misrepresented
We all make mistakes.  I make a LOT of them. We all know we can't trust everything we read - whether it was written 100 years ago, or 100 minutes ago.  All historians are human, and we all make mistakes.


When I first wrote about Emory Malick, I wrote that he was the first black aviator.  After all, the Smithsonian had an article saying so.  Turns out, even the Smithsonian is wrong sometimes.  It's still a great story, his race really shouldn't matter - he was still the first aviator in that area.  


Not built by Native Americans, as so many articles persist in saying... this one was built in 1908 by John Tooey.  [Anything before 1904 was almost definitively destroyed in the ice flood - those gorges were immense, and lasted through June in 1904.]



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