Monday, June 1, 2020

Dewart, Pennsylvania

Dewart began, as many of our small towns did, as a railroad stop.
It was known as Uniontown, until Congressman Dewart from Sunbury assisted the town in obtaining a post office, and the town was then named for him.  

Dewart used to have a race track, a fair, and in 1875, thousands flocked to the town to see a Hot Air Balloon .

Assorted Stories and Photos of Dewart, Northumberland County Pa:

The Dewart Train Depot      The 1918 Dewart Train Wreck

A railroad bridge connected Dewart (then uniontown) to Allenwood in 1852.


Stores & Industries

Youngs Hardware       Mentz Hotel      Sterners Store

William George was the first blacksmith in Dewart, I.S. Buchner was the first shoemaker.
First hotel was built by William Herring in 1861, and the first wagonmaker was John L. Stieby. The first creamery was operated by M.A. Nicely.

In 1891 - "The present business of the place includes four general stores, a confectionery, tin store, millinery store, hotel, warehouse, undertaking establishment, and local blacksmith and wagon shops. A creamery was operated by M. A. Nicely several years, but has been removed. "

In 2020, the Dewart Country Store Moved from the old Youngs Hardware building, into the old Sterners building

Photos of Youngs Hardware


Natural Disasters

(Shown Above)

NOTE - "uniontown" on the atlas of snyder and union counties in 1868 is present day Allenwood.  On the 1858 map of Northumberland county, Dewart appears to be labeled as Eastport.

The Datesman family built the first home in Dewart in 1857.  It is located on the north side of main street on the west side of the railroad tracks.
Historical Accounts

The History Of Northumberland County
With Illustrations Descriptive Of It's Scenery...
Everts & Stewart 1876


Bells History Of Northumberland County

This village, situated in the western part of Delaware township near the mouth of Delaware run, two miles north of Watsontown on the  Philadelphia and Erie railroad, and at the terminus of a bridge across the Susquehanna, was laid out by William P. Hull, William H. Marr, and  William F. Nagle, and received its name in compliment to William L. Dewart, Congressman from the district embracing Northumberland county at  the time the post office was established. An agricultural region of  exceptional fertility surrounds the village, and the construction of the river bridge also brought the products of the White Deer valley to this point; a station was therefore established immediately after the opening of the railroad, under the name of Uniontown, for which the present designation was substituted several years later. As the location of a railroad station, the terminus of a river bridge, and the center of a rich farming district, Uniontown naturally presented advantages as a prospective trading point, and these considerations governed its selection by Messrs. Hull, Marr, and Nagle as a town site.

The first business established, and the most important ever conducted at the place, was that of purchasing and forwarding grain. Hull, Marr, and Nagle erected the first warehouse for this purpose, a frame building twenty-eight by fifty feet, which, as enlarged by Arlo Pardee, the next owner, constitutes the present freight and passenger station of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad. Several other warehouses were also conducted, and at one time the shipments from this point amounted to two hundred thousand bushels annually, at a conservative estimate. Less attention is given to grain than formerly by the farmers of the adjacent region, and the opening of the Philadelphia and Reading
railroad on the opposite side of the river has also reduced the shipments at this point.

The first dwelling house in the village was built in 1857, and is still standing on the north side of Main street at the west side of the railroad. The first family to reside here was that of W. P. Datesman, who removed from Northampton county to Union in 1847, thence to the vicinity of Milton in 1854,
and to the embryo village of Dewart in the autumn of 1857. Here he has since resided, and has served one term as county commissioner. What now constitutes Benner's store room and the building in the rear were erected in 1858 by Hull, Marr, and Nagle, and here W. L. Antrim opened the first store. Mr. Antrim was born in this county and reared at Danville, where he now resides. In 1859 John H. Forgeman built the first hotel, a brick building, which has been continuously occupied as a place of public entertainment ever since. In the same year three other houses were built, by M. L. Everhart, W. W. Burrows, and I. S. Buchner.

Mr. Everhart is still a resident of the village; Burrows came here in the employ of Hull, Marr, and Nagle; and Buchner was the first shoemaker of the place. The first blacksmith was William George, whose shop and dwelling adjoined the house of Mr. Datesman on the north side of Main street. These were the first improvements in that part of the village west of the railroad, where the original plat was laid out.

While these developments were in progress, the land adjoining east of the railroad was covered with timber, and remained in the possession of Christian Gosh, from whom Hull, Marr, and Nagle had purchased. Following their example, he extended Main street to the limit of his land, and, with the assistance of Arthur T. Ludwig, the first justice of the peace in the vicinity of the village, laid off a number of lots on both sides of the street; to this extension of the town plat the name of "Gosh's addition" was applied. Two grain houses were built thereon in 1860, by Christian Gosh and John McFarland; that of the latter burned before its completion, but was at once rebuilt. William Herring erected a brick hotel in 1861-62. 

On the third lot from the railroad on the south side of the street John L. Strieby, from Lycoming county, a wagon maker by trade, erected a house and shop, and thus inaugurated this important branch of local industry. This house was the first erected for a residence in that part of the town. The second was built by Christian Gosh. The first store was opened by John Gosh and Irwin Smith.

Hayes's addition was laid out by Joseph Hayes, and consisted of a further extension of Main street through his land. Thomas Ruckle, a saddler by trade, and still engaged in that business, and Edward Faber were the first to make improvements thereon.

Arthur T. Ludwig was appointed first postmaster, but resigned without entering upon his duties. W. P. Datesman succeeded him, and opened the office; he has been followed by George Border, Samuel Corner, and C. T. Michener.

The present business of the place includes four general stores, a confectionery, tin store, millinery store, hotel, warehouse, undertaking establishment, and local blacksmith and wagon shops. A creamery was operated by M. A. Nicely several years, but has been removed. 

 The river bridge sustained severe damage in 1865; it was rebuilt, but was entirely demolished by the flood of June, 1889, and has been again rebuilt.

There are two church buildings in the village, and a school building in the vicinity.

1874 Directory For Dewart, Pa


The Miltonian, February 1930


Find More Stories & History Of Dewart Here:

And more local history from the Susquehanna Valley here:

1 comment:

  1. is there any pictures that have 2073 main street my great grandparents lived there we know that the house was one of the first built in 1901 well thats what they think by looking at the deed. I would like to show them before they repose (die) thanks!


I'll read the comments and approve them to post as soon as I can! Thanks for stopping by!