On This Day In Local History, December
In the early 1920's, the Miltonian newspaper ran a weekly page of Historical Notes, with history listed by day. It's one of my favorite things to read, and many of the articles on this blog have come from those blurbs. This is my version of those 1920's pages, in a month format rather than a daily one. (They typically post daily on my facebook page, when I remember to schedule them to do so)
For an index of history posts by Subject & Town, go here:
- 1774, "there is recorded the deed from William Robb and his wife Olive, to Henry Titzell, for fifty acres of land on Little Buffalo Creek, just three tenth of a mile north of Kelly Cross Roads, whereon he erected a grist and saw mill during the following winter. Titzell's mill was a rendezvous during the American Revolution, and a station of the defenders of the frontiers. " https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2015/04/fort-titzell-1775.html
- 1871 - First Passenger train moved the county to the cheers of hundreds of onlookers along the right of way and there were great festivities when the train pulled the Selinsgrove station and moved on across the river to Selinsgrove Junction and to Sunbury. It inaugurated freight passenger service on the which became the Sunbury- Lewistown Division of the Pennsylvania and which flourished more than half a century, contributing greatly to the economic well beingamp;of Snyder county." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/11/selinsgrove-junction.html
- 1959, Allegheny Airlines Flight 371 crashed (the wreckage can still be seen on the mountain) https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-flight-371-crash-site.html
- 1811 - First Presbyterian Church of Milton organized. Previously the Presbyterians worshipped with the Warrior Run and Chillisquaque congregations. Rev. John Bryson was the pastor called.
- 1862 - The Williamsport First National Bank Was Organized. When researching Williamsport, the First National Bank comes up frequently. In Meginnesses history of Lycoming County, he tells us that it was the fourth bank to open in the state of Pennsylvania, and the first in the city of Williamsport. In 1914, during fall merchants week, not only did tightrope walkers perform each night, but on Tuesday Mons Hammon jumped from the top of the First National Bank, parachuting down to the street. Many photos of the Market street bridge construction were likely taken from the roof of the First National Bank Building. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/first-national-bank-williamsport.html
- 1883 - E.M. Barnfield of Watsontown, Night operator at Dewart Station, killed in accidental discharge of the pistol he was cleaning.
- 1903 - Mrs. William Edwards of Watsontown killed in grade crossing accident at that place
- 1908 - I.H. Gingrich killed by a switching machine at local nail mill.
- 1913 - Twenty year old Fred Nye was hung for murder https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/01/the-sunbury-pool-hall-murder-1913-last.html
- 1958 - The manager of the two Sunbury Theaters ordered them both closed, following more than a year of efforts to eliminate the city amusement tax https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/when-sunbury-had-movie-theater-rialto.html
- From 1979- 1986, Mifflinburgs Christmas Theme was Raggedy Ann and Andy. Local residents painted three and a half foot tall decorations and placed them on the parking meters along Chestnut Street.
The decorations were stolen and damaged so frequently that extra police patrols were added once they were installed. The second year they were placed, 30 of the 36 decorations were stolen. Almost all of the thieves were from out of town - several of those cited for the thefts were from out of state.
See more here:
https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/12/raggedy-rippers-rouse-rath-christmas-in.html - him. Every letter dropped in the box for Santa was read and replied to. Local organizations donated baskets of food to be distributed.
After the first year, Chief Reed wrote a letter to the editor of the Sunbury Daily Item. In it he said : "And now since this project has promoted a better Christmas, it is my hope that one of the services clubs or organizations in Watsontown will take the program from here and make each year a better and larger, happy Christmas for the children of Watsontown and vicinity"
Read more about Chief Reed and his Christmas Legacy in Watsontown Pa:
https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/12/chief-reeds-christmas-legacy-in.html - Christmas Window Displays at Sterns Department store, Williamsport Pa - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.363704952423177&type=3
- On December 5th 1850 Eber received a letter from his wife, who was still living in Auburn NY, saying she was not well. Eber decided to return home at once. This time his travel entailed: An 18 hour steam boat ride to San Francisco, where he saw the old square built Mexican Public buildings facing the square, Gambling and Liquor abounding as it did in all mining towns, and a large number of sailing vessels lying along the shore, deserted, half afloat and stuck in the mud. "I'm told that all the space has been filled in and the shore line extended far beyond where those vessels then lay." Read more from the memoirs of the Williamsport Architect who went west in the Gold Rush, here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-diary-of-eber-culver-summarized.html
- 1855 - Deer shot by Hepburn Pollock on Lower Island
- 1871 - W.K. Wertman seriously injured driving fire engine to a fire
- 1891 - "The 5th and 6th wards of Williamsport were divided by a decree of the court, after the electors had requested do by vote. These divisions were demanded by an increate of population, which made it difficult to receive and count votes at elections in a reasonable time." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/09/williamsport-pennsylvania.html
- 1900 - The Philadelphia Times reported on Nettie [McHenry] Smith, and her "junk shop lungs". Nettie had swallowed a suspender wire and snap accidentally 5 years prior. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/when-hughesville-womans-lungs-were-junk.html
- 1908 - Watsontown Brick and Clay company in full operation
- 1940 - After 4 hours deliberation, a jury found Bickford guilty of the murder of his father in law, George Chafont, of Milton. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/04/murder-in-milton-chalfant-house.html
- 1947- The First Berwick Boulevard Christmas Display https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/11/the-berwick-boulevard-christmas-display.html
- 1978 - The Hadany Arch at the Lycoming Mall was dedicated in a ceremony. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-hadany-arch-at-lycoming-mall.html
- 1883 (or sometime thereabouts) the first tower for the water works was completed in Lewisburg Pa. The bases of the original stand pipe water towers can still be seen in the park by the Lewisburg bridge. (the second tower was added in 1897) https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/01/when-lewisburg-standpipes-lewisburg.html
- In late December 1938, the Little Norway skating rink first opened. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/12/little-norway-on-isle-of-que.html
- The iconic Sterns Bell, Williamsport Pa - https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/12/christmas-at-stearns-and-that-iconic.html
- When Santa Got His Flying License - https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/12/when-santa-got-his-flying-license.html
- Joseph Ray Yocum was born December 6th 1891, the son of Adam and Mary [Geyer] Yocum of White Deer Pa. See some of his art here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/05/artist-j-ray-yocum.html
- On December 6th 1999, regional dignitaries and the community of Williamsport celebrated the Grand Opening Of the McDade and Transit Centre, at L.L. Stearns and Sons Plaza. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/09/trade-transit-center-history-stearns.html
- 1855 - The first canal boats pass through the Lewisburg cross -cut https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/10/lewisburgs-cross-cut-canal.html
- 1859 - New Academy Hall dedicated formally at Milton
- 1941, in the early morning hours, a man from Williamsport, stationed in Hawaii, spotted a large group of planes on the radar, headed their way. He raised the alarm, but his superior, believing the planes were their own b17s returning from the mainland, told Lockard not to worry about it. 55 minutes later, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor began. Pearl Harbor Joe. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/12/pearl-harbor-joe.html
- Danville boy sent home a footballCorp. Elias Sweitzer of Danville, stationed at Schofield Hawaii, sent home a football schedule to have been used in a game with another Army unit in Hawaii on December 7th. Read more about the early years of football in Danville, here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/09/ironman-football-danville.html
- On December 7th 1925, an ordinance was passed for the establishing of a signal light at Market and Pine Streets in Selinsgrove, and for the removal of the controversial landmark water fountain. The new traffic light utilized the base of the former fountain. Read more about Selinsgrove's Limestone Punch Bowl here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/11/the-limestone-punch-bowl-selinsgroves.html
- During the war, Pennsylvania's two football teams did not have enough players for two teams, so they combined for one year only. Unofficially known as the "Steagles."Read more about the Milton's Team of Destiny, and the Steagles, here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/02/the-1935-team-of-destiny-milton-football.html
- 1748 Chief Shikellamy died [double check - another source says the 17th?] https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/02/shikellamy-white-mans-best-friend-among.html
- 1877 - Mr & Mrs John Knizer of Trozelville, Snyder County were murdered and their home burned. Emmanuel Ettinger, Jonathan Moyer, Israel Erby and Paul Bickert arrested for the crime https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/when-german-fortune-tellers-were.html
- 1883, George Lupfer prevented a Train Disaster, in Watsontown Pa https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/when-george-p-lupfer-prevented-train.html
- 1849 - A Contract was signed to put in more piers in the Susquehanna Log Boom. "More piers, under a contract of December 8th, were put in and the structure was complete enough to hold all the logs that came down the following spring." Read more about the Susquehanna Lumber Boom in Williamsport here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-lumber-boom-in-williamsport.html
- 1868 - The Bloomsburg Fair was incorporated, and with the granting of the charter, grounds were purchased. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-bloomsburg-fair-as-shown-in.html
- 1880 - Wolf Dreiffuss discovered three burglars in Lierberman's store and shot at them.
- 1907, Pastor J.A. Mattern's people celebrated the installation of a new pipe organ in (the) Mifflinburg Methodist Church. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/02/when-andrew-carnegie-helped-churches-by.html
- 1917 46 year old Ward Plotts of Turbotville died in the Danville hospital of a fractured skull, inflicted by John Reynolds, a Turbotville farmer who believed Plotts was intending to hunt on his land. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/murdered-over-hunting-rights.html
- 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced a new "Atoms Peace Policy". It's purpose was to harness atomic power for peaceful purposes. Under this new program, the airplane manufacturer Curtiss-Wright Corp sought a large isolated area to locate a new facility to built nuclear powered jet engines for the Air Force. The abandoned Jet Bunkers can still be seen in the Quehanna Wilds area. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-abandoned-nuclear-jet-bunkers-in.html
- "At their open meeting on December 8, 1960, Historical Society members had met inthe museum's carriage house to celebrate the season with musical entertainment, storytelling,and refreshments. In her minutes, the Board's secretary noted that:"The carriage house was decorated beautifully with old fashioned Christmas trees, beautifully wrapped packages, dolls, doll carriages, sleds. . . They served coffee and oodles of extra rich. deliciousChristmas cookies. l think everybody had a good time." Read more about the Lycoming County Historical Society, it's former building, and the current Taber museum, here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-lycoming-county-historical-society.html
- 1866 - Secretary Chase approved of Pollock's proposed motto on the new one cent, two cent and three cent coins. "I approve your mottos, only suggesting that on that with the Washington obverse [front side] the motto should begin with the word OUR, so as to read OUR GOD AND OUR COUNTRY. And on that with the shield, it should be changed so as to read: IN GOD WE TRUST." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/10/james-pollock-milton-pa.html
- 1880 - "The ice in the North Branch Canal was ordered to be broken by the chief engineer, in order to release 150 ice-bound boats, but old Boreas seems to object to this proceeding as he apparently intends re-freezing as fast as it is broken."
- Kulp, Thomas & Co, Engine 1A 16 Ton Dunkirk Class B (42" Gauge) Kulp, Thomas & Company #1, which was built around January 1893 for Railroad services in Milroy, PA. it was used until it Burned in a Railroad Fire in December 1896. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/08/the-lewisburg-buffalo-valley-railroad.html
- December 9th 1938 - - Horace Heidt was offering a $50 cash prize to the winner of a jitterbug contest to be staged in connection with his appearance at Sunset Park in Williamsport. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/12/sunset-park-williamsport-pa.html
- 1965, an unidentified object, "a large fireball", was spotted in the sky. Sightings were made in Canada, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The object dropped slowly into a wooded ravine near Kecksburg in Westmoreland County Pa. Military personal quickly arrived on the scene, and a military flat bed vehicle was seen to be leaving the area with a "large bell shaped object" on it's trailer. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-kecksburg-ufo-monument.html
- 1859 - The Catawissa. Friends Society noted that an objectionable monument had been placed in the Roaring Creek burial ground. A large head stone was later removed. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/02/friends-meeting-house-catawissa-pa.html
- 1920 - An attempt was made to rob the Turbotville Bank, but they were unable to open the vault door. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-turbotville-national-bank-corner-of.html
- 1949, The Daily Item reported that a local businessman had purchased 500 tickets for the train in Cameron Park, Sunbury. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/when-there-were-christmas-train-rides.html
- 1866 - Authority was obtained by legislature for a new dam at Williamsport, the original dams "having become worthless.". The new dam was built in 1867. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/09/williamsport-pennsylvania.html
- 1874 - "The new flouring mill erected by William B. Kemmerer on Muddy Run on the site of the old mill which was destroyed by fire last summer is now about completed and will be in readiness for business next week." [Milton, Pa]
- From December 11 1926 through March 31 1953, the first community hospital in Lewisburg was located in a dormitory behind the Slifer House. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/04/slifer-house-lewisburgs-first-community.html
- 1931 - The Lewisburg Chair Factory closed. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-lewisburg-chair-factory-1887-1931.html
- 1875 - Large Fire in Milton. "Adding to the terror of the scene, the wind blew almost a hurricane. Men and women were rushing in all direction while those interested in the adjoining buildings at once commenced the removal of their goods. "It soon became apparent that, with the inefficient preparations of the town for fighting fire, the loss of property would be great. Watsontown and Lewisburg were at once appraised of the fire. Calls were made on other places, but the lines were not open." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/the-1875-milton-fire.html
- 1884 - The WCTU in Watsontown was organized. "The Watsontown Women's Christian Temperance Union is an organization of Christian women banded together for the protection of home, the abolition of liquor traffic, and the triumph of Christ's Golden Rule in custom and in law." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-wctu-drinking-fountain-in-watsontown.html
- 1905 - businessmen from Lock Haven, Williamsport, Philadelphia and Milton incorporated the West Branch Knitting Company. This company made cotton, wool, thread, and yard to be used in a variety of textiles. They were awarded a contract from the US Government to furnish the Army & Navy with Hosiery. The monetary value of the contract was $75,000, with 40,000 pairs of hose being shipped from the factory each month. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/09/west-branch-hosiery-milton-pa.html
- 2018, the Honesdale Borough Council designated the "Winter Wonderland Star" in honor of Dick Smith, a Honesdale native who wrote the carol Walking In A Winter Wonderland. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/12/winter-wonderland-was-written-by.html
- 1774 - Col Turbut Francis received a deed from John Penn for 1140 acres of land on Chillisquaque Creek, on December 13th of the same year. These lands were described on the deed as "Soldiers Retreat". It's thought that Turbut planned to build his retreat here, a home for once he concluded his life as a soldier, once the wars with the Indians and British had ended. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/11/how-turbut-township-got-its-name-and.html
- 1862, Elias Sechler was wounded in battle at Marye's Heights in Fredericksburg VA. Fourteen years later, at age 38, Sechler died. His tombstone is located in the old Washington Presbyterian cemetery in the area near Old Alvira that was taken by the war effort, tor a TNT plant to be built there in 1942. His tombstone reads "Beneath this granite slab lies a confederate rifle bullet...." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/03/beneath-this-granite-slab-lies.html
- 1886 The WNB railroad opened for business with two round trips each day, except Sunday, from Watsontown to Jerseytown, and a third round trip in the late afternoon to Lethergo. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/11/washingtonville-station.html
- 1938, John Wilson of Watsontown was granted a patent for his Wilson Walkie toys. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/10/wilson-walkies-toys-made-in-watsontown.html
- 1938, the chief of police in Montgomery Pa was murdered by a madman. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/05/montgomery-police-chief-murdered-by.html
- 1805 - A duel was fought in Montandon Pa. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/11/the-binns-stewart-duel-montandon-1805.html
- In December of 1906, the Trout Pond property was purchased by Theodore Boak. Boak, over the next 15 years, gradually transformed the area into an amusement park and resort. See more here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/08/trout-pond-park.html
- This slider puzzle was being manufactured by the Catawissa Paper Mill in 1915. "A portion of the plant is now [1915] used by Clinton F. and Frederick Long as a manufactory. They produce the Panama Canal Puzzle, a simply constructed glider for children and an adjustable stilt which can be made to fit almost any child. These toys they have designed and patented themselves, and from a small beginning have built up a trade that covers the entire union and reached into some foreign countries.
Starting in 1912 with a small workshop, they now have a capacity for almost unlimited employ in the busy season sixty hands." - Historical and biographical annals of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania By J.H. Beers, 1915 From Paper Mill to Valve Co, read more about this Catawissa building here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/02/the-paper-mill-later-valve-co-catawissa.html
- 1922 The Community Fair at Laurelton would have light. "Through the kindness of Bly Bothers of Milton, Delco-Light will be had for all the evening." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/02/bly-brothers-electrologists-milton-pa.html
- The "Oyster Train" regularly brought shipments of oysters from Baltimore to central Pennsylvania. Pulled by Engine #1710, the #83 train fell into Lycoming Creek on December 15 1901, when the bridge it was crossing enroute to Lock Haven gave away. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/12/wreck-of-oyster-train-1901.html
- 1956 - Train Wreck at Slate Run https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/wreck-at-slate-run-december-15-1956.html
- 1774 - Edward Shippes & his brother Joseph gave five acres at Buffalo Cross Roads for the Presbyterian Church
- 1850 - First session of court in Montour County opened in Danville
- 1870 - John Billings lectured in Milton
- 1870 - John J. Fausnaught, Levi Truckenmiller, and Marshal Reid opened a grocery store in the Academy of Music under the firm title of J.J. Fausnaught and Company.
- 1882 - First Issue Of the Williamsport Grit
- In December of 1909 the Rubber Works closed down for an indefinite period, "owing to a large stock of manufacturing goods on hand" From Rubber Works to Pajama Factory, see some of the history of the Iconic Williamsport building here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/05/from-rubber-works-to-pajama-factory.html
- 1959 - The strongbox from the cornerstone of the Watsontown School was opened, and the contents were listed in the newspaper the next day. (The school had burned down earlier that year) https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/01/when-8th-street-school-burned.html
- 1748 - Shikellamy, the famous Indian vice-regent, died and his body was interred at the Indian Cemetery near Fort Augusta https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/02/shikellamy-white-mans-best-friend-among.html
- 1827 - End Of The Buckshot War. Mr Montelius of Union county seated in the Legislature
- 1876 - Second attempt to burn the home of William Toner on Broadway in Milton
- 1909 - Harry Rank, driver for the Adams Express Company, hit by PRR train at Center street crossing in Milton
- 1854 - P and R.R. opened Great celebration at Williamsport. Governor Pollock spoke.
- Thomas Tinsman Pursell was born December 18th 1854, the son of John Melick and Susannah [Fritz] Pursell, of Williamsport. Pursell died June 13th, 1937 at the age of 82. He was entombed on June 15th of that year, and photos of the burial were published in Life Magazine that fall. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-escape-hatch-tomb-at-wildwood.html
- 1860 - Milton first lighted with gas
- 1909 - Mrs. Margaret Garrett [Jarrett] aged 81 years burned to death at Turbotville
- 1974, the 14 room Guyer house was moved from the Shamokin Dam traffic circle, referred to as the "Dumb-Built Circle", in the Selinsgrove Times, to County Line Road in Winfield Pa. The "traffic circle" was nothing like our modern day traffic circles, and it was the scene of many, many accidents, several of which were fatal. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/12/moving-guyer-house-from-dumb-built.html
- 1867 - Milton Academy burned to the ground
- 1870 - John K. Trego succeeded E. S. Trego in ownership of the Milton Foundry
- 1914 - Paul Huntingdon of West Milton died from effects of a collision on the P and R near Halls
- 1877 - Work on the new lock at Port May, below Watsontown, commenced https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/10/when-susquehanna-valley-had-canal-west.html
- 1906 - Electric Theater changed to the Bijou Dream [Milton PA]
- 1912, the Lewisburg Journal published the article "From Slavery To Freedom, the Interesting Narrative of the Life Of Charles Bell" Charles Bell , a former slave, had made the trip south to visit his mother after the civil war ended. On his return trip, heading to Williamsport to work in the lumber industry, he was carrying an ax as he passed through Lewisburg. Mr. Loomis, the president of Bucknell University, spotted him, and hired him to cut down a tree. Then he hired him on as the janitor, with Bell being employed by Bucknell for nearly 40 years. Before his death, he recounted his escape from slavery, and it was published in the Lewisburg Journal. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/02/charles-bell-escaped-slave-who-worked.html
- During the winter of 1917/1918, the Susquehanna was covered with ice for a period of 68 days, and the record winter was from December 20 1871 to March 23 1872 - 98 days See photos of the ice going out in Watsontown, here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/01/ice-going-out-watsontown.html
- Board of Pardon's refused Edward Cressingers appeal. The following month, he would become, and remain, the youngest man to be executed in Pennsylvania https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-youngest-man-to-be-executed-in-pa.html
- 1854 - Larry's Creek was renamed Salladasburg https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/08/salladasburg-pa.html
- 1926 - local employees were asked to donate money towards the Danville Mummers Day parade. By the 21st, more than $600 had been raised. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/01/when-danville-had-mummers-day-parade.html
- James M. Black died on December 21 1938. He is buried at Wildwood Cemetery. Katherine Purvis and Jame Black were both well known musicians in Williamsport. Black is best known for writing When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder.' The two are sometimes [falsely] credited with writing When The Saints Go Marching In. They wrote a completely different song, titled When The Saints Are Marching In. See more here - https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/06/when-saints-are-marching-in-katherine.html
- 1864 - Ernest Weik instantly killed and Howard Keefer seriously injured at the P and R crossing above New Columbia. They were bringing to Milton a load of Christmas trees.
- On December 22, 1882, the very first strand of Christmas tree lights were invented.
Edison had strung a line of electric lights outside of his Menlo Park Laboratory in New Jersey in 1880, delighting passengers on passing trains. Two years later, the Christmas before Edison wired a building in Sunbury with the very first three wire lighting system, Edison's partner, and former boss, ran a string of red, white, and blue lights around a rotating tree in his parlor window. He improved on his display each year, and in 1884 the New York Times wrote about his tree, titling the article "A Brilliant Christmas Tree, How An Electrician Amused His Children."
At the time, most homes did not have electricity, and the new lights were considered to be more dangerous than candles clipped to tree branches. Read more about the early history of Christmas lights here:
https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-history-of-christmas-tree-lights.htm - 1921 - Fire damaged Shippers Car Line Plant to the extent of $25,000
- On December 22 1909 Jimmy Sebring died in Williamsport Hospital, at just 27 years old. Sebring hit the first homerun in World Series History, on October 1st 1903. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/05/when-millionaires-were-outlaws-in.html
- On December 22, 1912, Thrall grocery was destroyed in a fire. Today, the rebuilt building is Jackass Brewery in Williamsport. See more here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-thrall-building-williamsport-pa.html
- 1777 - near the mouth of Pine creek, a man was tomahawked https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/08/story-of-early-settlers-in-pine-creek.html
- 1840 - Milton Literary Association Formed
- 1869 - Public Library opened at Lewisburg
- 1878 - Walter Van Fleet [famous for his roses], S.C. Hartranft of Watsontown, and Horace Aunkst of Milton were among a group of men attempting to return home after helping to build a railroad in Brazil. The Collins Expedition had run out of money, leaving many men stranded, without pay or means to return home. 'The boat, delayed by tropical calms and storms off the coast of the United States, did not reach New York until the day before Christmas. The captain, Jesse E. Cavalier, became disgruntled at the men, because he found the orders they had given him were worthless. He went ashore, leaving them aboard ship for two whole days without fire and food. Still dressed in tropical clothing, they nearly froze to death and their Christmas dinner that year consisted of some cold boiled potatoes. "Finally they succeeded in making a landing and their appearance in New York City was an odd one. They had a letter to a business man in Maiden Lane. He helped them as much as he could, but Mr. Hartranft says to-day they would have frozen or starved to death, had it not been for the saloons. They sold some pieces of tropical wood to pay their fare to Philadelphia, where they arrived December 27th. They met Mr. Philip Collins at his office, but he was bankrupt and could not pay them for their work. The first really good meal the men had, after leaving home in February, they enjoyed with the servants of a Philadelphia hotel. The youngsters ate well into the night and, next day, were furnished by Mr. Collins with transportation to their homes.'' https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-collins-expedition-when-local-men.html
- 1908 - "Robert M. Shaffer murdered by 3 drunken boys in Allenwood" - The Christmas Eve Murder in Allenwood Pa https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/the-christmas-eve-murder-in-allenwood-pa.html
- 1908 - The IOOF Orphanage moved into their new building. "What a glorious Christmas for the Home ! Quite a change from the old ! Many comforts and conveniences are enjoyed in the new not known in the old. Here is a Home in the country with all the equipment's enjoyed in our city residences, including steam heat, electric light, sewerage system and electric power. Truly the Lord has directed our steps. " https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-ioof-orphanage-in-sunbury-pa.html
- 1914 - First Municipal tree lighting at Lincoln Park in Milton.
- 1950 - Each Employee of the Milton Shoe Company, the communities newest industry, received a pair of shoes as a gift during a buffet luncheon Christmas part at the plant. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/07/from-silk-mill-to-shoe-factory-history.html
- 1955 - Milton Steel held a Christmas party for employees children and grandchildren at the Capitol Theater. 388 children attended. Each child received a "bright steel sand pail", filled with candy. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/04/when-milton-had-movie-theatre.html
- 1775 - Plunketts expedition to Wyoming ended in humiliating defeat
- 1866 - Teams first crossed the river bridge in Milton, which replaced the one destroyed by the flood of 1865
- 1869 - Minerva Hall in Watsontown opened with a 6 days festival, over the holiday week. Included benefit for the "Minerva Hall Association". Two ivory gavels, silver mounted, and other articles were to be voted for. Voting was in secret in a sealed box, beginning on Christmas day and ending on New Years Eve. When the votes were counted, the Odd Fellows Lodge had won, and were presented with the gavels https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-opera-houses-of-early-watsontown.html
- 1874 - Christmas Menu from the Herdic Hotel https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/04/herdics-hotel-at-park-place.html
- 1876 - "William W. Huth, continuing the practice established by his father, distributed 200 loaves of bread among the deserving poor of Milton" https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/200-loaves-of-bread-for-miltons-poor.html
- 1946 - Calhoun's Boy Band serenaded houses throughout the borough with Christmas music. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/calhoun-boys-band.html
- 1850 - Citizen soldiers held great encampment at McEwensville
- 1869 - Northumberland County Herald moved from Milton to Juniata County. J.W. Speedy owner
- 1873 - Newspapers reported that The Watsontown Boot & Shoe Company now occupied their large new brick building on Main Street. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/04/watsontown-boot-shoe.html
- 1878 - Wanamaker brought electric lighting to his store [today, Macy's, with the historic organ and eagle from the worlds fair still on display] in Philadelphia. It the first ever department store to do so. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/08/wannamakers-department-store-and.html
- 1914 - Lewis Montague, 14, killed when coasting on Broadway when run over by a Good Will motor truck. [The Drivers were exonerated - the accident was not their fault]
- 1950 - Three brothers ages 13, 13 (the two were born 11 months apart) and 11, had received bb guns and were firing them "promiscuously" in the area. A passenger coach on Train 570 at Dewart had one of it's windows pierced, and a woman was nearly hit. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-dewart-train-station.html
- On Friday December 26th 1919, The Luna Theater in Danville showed pictures from the Welcome Home Ceremony held in town earlier that year. See more here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/05/world-war-i-memorial-welcome-home.html
- 1866 - Messrs Pollock, Savidge and Moore purchased the steam saw mill owned by BeCleary, Runckel and Newhard in Upper Milton
- 1889, a hurricane destroyed a portion of the new iron bridge across Maynard street in Williamsport. "One of the spans of the massive iron structure had been erected and men were working on the second one when the storm occurred. They hurriedly rushed for the shore and succeeded in reaching it just before the most terrific part of the hurricane occurred. The entire structure was torn from the piers and the iron twisted in every imaginable shape, and the mass landed in the river." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-maynard-street-bridge-connecting.html
- 1889 - Unknown member of Knights of Labor drowned in lock in Milton
- 1908 - The Lewisburg Opera House Was Destroyed by Fire https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-lewisburg-opera-house-fire.html
- 1945, a deer was shipped from Salladasburg to Florida, by train, to star in the movie The Yearling. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-deer-from-lycoming-county-starred-in.html
- 1978 - A janitor lit a broom on fire and tossed it in the closet of the Rialto. The front f the building was gutted by the fire, but the back was not damaged. Three months later, a second fire was started in the back of the theater. Also ruled arson, the second culprit does not appear to ever have been caught. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/when-sunbury-had-movie-theater-rialto.html
- On December 27th 1912, on the night of the foreclosure of Pioneer Farms, John G. McHenry, age 46, passed away. See more of the history of the Rohr McHenry Distilling Company in Benton, here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/03/the-rohr-mchenry-distilling-company.html
- 1959 - The J.J. Newberry store in Lewisburg destroyed by fire. [see post on Market Street Lewisburg, block by block]
- 1828 - The Milton Library Association was organized. Joseph Bound president. Joseph's son Franklin would later become a congressman, and Bound Avenue in Milton is named for him. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/congressman-franklin-bound-from-milton.html
- 1850 - Danville and Pottsville R.R. sold by Sheriff at Sunbury https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/12/the-danville-pottsville-railroad.html
- 1864 - Capt. Robert M. McCormick, of the 7th Pa Calvary, murdered by guerillas at Bardstown KY
- 1870 - The Williamsport National Bank was authorized by a special act of Congress "The Williamsport Safe Deposit Company, incorporated in 1881, is connected with this bank, and the officers are the same."
- 1903 - Marshall Reid died, age 50, after an operation for appendicitis. Reid, the brother in law of one of the Wilson Sons, was one of the original partners in West Branch Novelty Company, a president of the First National Bank, on the board of Wilson FlyNets, and the founder of Reids Tobacco Company. After his death, his widow began an 11 year battle over his estate. Read more about Marshall Reid and his tobacco company here: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/04/marshall-reid-his-tobacco-company-milton.html
- 1914 - A young man impersonating Santa for a church service in Iola Pa was badly burned when an intoxicated youth purposefully set a lit match to his costume. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/12/when-santa-was-set-on-fire-as-he.html
- 1917 - Nurse Helen Fairchild wrote her last letter home. ""Dr. Norris was just in to see me and told me I could stop some of my medicine. He said my throat looked much better but I still can't go on duty "till I eat and get some color, so I see my finish, for as usual, I look like the wrath of Kingdom come, but I'll make them let me go back soon, for it's too lonesome here to be off duty. Gee but I'll be glad to see you all by the time this war is over, but at the same time I am glad to be here to help take care of these poor men, and I'll be doubly glad when our own U.S. boys will be [in this part of France] with us, for they will be so far from home, and they will have no one but us American nurses to really take any genuine interest in them, for their own friends will not be able to reach them. What the Red Cross and the YMCAs are doing for us here means so much to us. Really, it would be awful to get along without the things they send us. Most of the pleasure that the troops get are the ones provided by the YMCA. If you could only see what the boys here have to go through sometimes, you would see they need all the comfort possible. Without the supplies sent to us by the Red Cross Society, we could not do half as much for them as we are." https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/05/nurse-helen-fairchild.html
- 1953 - Thieves emptied the cash drawer at the Eyers Grove Mill, "but it was hardly worth the trouble, there wasn't a penny in the money drawer". https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/09/eyers-grove-mill.html
- According to a 2018 article in the Philadelphia Enquirer, Pennsylvania has more unique, and downright nutty, New Years Eve drops than any other state. In our local area, there has been the light bulb drop in Sunbury, the Baseball in Williamsport, Yuengling bottle in Pottsville, The Kettle Drop in McClure, & Coal in Shamokin. In Northumberland PA, join the Countdown To Noon and see an Oxygen Isotope drop. Here's a look at some of the other unique items dropped to ring in the New Year: https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-histories-behind-unique-things-that.html
- What is a Mummer, and Why A Parade? https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/12/what-is-mummer-why-parade.html
- The park on Bloom St in Danville was formally named Memorial Park at a meeting on Wednesday December 30th 1908 https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2024/05/building-memorial-park-in-danville-pa.html
- 1869 - Mark Twain lectured in Williamsport Pa https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2019/12/when-mark-twain-came-to-williamsport.html
- 1872 - The Watsontown National Bank was organized as a State Institution. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-early-banks-of-watsontown-pa.html
- 1924 - The Danville and Sunbury Trolley Company ceased operations. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/03/when-danville-had-trolley.html
- 1920 - The Liquor License at The Riverside Hotel expired, and the hotel ceased operations. https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/10/the-eagles-building-in-milton-pa.html
- 1953 - Eyers Grove Mill Robbed https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2021/09/eyers-grove-mill.html
- 1981 - "Penn Dot Willing To Salvage Old Kiln" read the headline of the Williamsport Sun Gazette. But they weren't willing to pay for the restoration themselves, they were looking for a historical group interested in paying for the work to be done. "The kiln was one of three left on sand hill from the days when they were used to produce lime by burning stone quarried on the hill." The two kilns that were bulldozed were "probably in better condition than the one that is fortunate enough to be out the way of the new road". https://susquehannavalley.blogspot.com/2020/07/that-pile-of-stones-along-old.html
In January of 1923, the Miltonian ran several pages recapping the news of the prior year.
This is what they had to say about December 1922:
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