Saturday, February 6, 2021

On This Day In Local History - February


On This Day In Local History, February
JAN    FEB    MAR   APR    MAY    JUNE   JUL   AUG   SEP   OCT   NOV   DEC

In the early 1920's, the Miltonian newspaper ran a weekly page of Historical Notes, with history listed by day.  It's one of my favorite things to read, and many of the articles on this blog have come from those blurbs.  This is my version of those 1920's pages, in a month format rather than a daily one.  (They typically post daily on my facebook page, when I remember to schedule them to do so)

For an index of history posts by Subject & Town, go here:

It's Time To Eat The Fastnachts!

When The Presidents Visited The Valley
Feb 1

Feb 2:
Feb 3:
Feb 4
Feb 5:
Feb 6

Feb 7: 

Feb 8
Feb 9 
Feb 10 
Feb 11

Feb 12
  • 1731 - "Greatest Flood known in the Susquehanna"
  • Lincoln's Birthday 
  • 1882 - Shamokin, Sunbury, and Lewisburg R.R. incorporated 
  • 1859 - Union County Press started at Mifflinburg  By F. Smith
  • 1868 - Mrs Mary Eckbert commissioned postmistress at Milton
  • 1883 - Hugh Stevenson terribly bruised in the face by bursting emery wheel at car works
  • 1903 - Northumberland County Bar Association banqueted at the Hotel Haag
  • 1914 - Mark Klees, aged 13,  fatally injured by a ball shot from flobert rifle.   The shooting was an accident. He died in Williamsport hospital July 8
Feb 13
Feb 14
Feb 15

Feb 16 
Feb 17

Feb 18
Feb 19
Feb 20th
  • 1851 - New Mail Route Established, between Lewisburg and Selinsgrove.  Mail carried once a week on horse back.
  • 1852 - Rev. and Mrs Joseph Marr opened female seminary in Milton
  • 1913 - Handsome club house of the Milton Sportsmen's Association opened
  • 1916 - Warehouse of J.P. Hackenburg destroyed by fire.  Loss of $65,000
  • A marker in Jersey Shore reads: SHAWANA
    Daughter Of Old Nicholas
    A Friendly Seneca
    The Last Indian Girl In The
    West Branch Valley
    Died February 1855
The Marker was erected by the D.A.R  -  and Henry Shoemaker.  So did Shawana exist?   With Shoemaker involved, you just never know.  But he was a great story teller.  Read what he has to say about Shawana here: 

Feb 21 
Feb 22
Feb 23 

Feb 24 

Feb 25 
Feb 26
Feb 27
Feb 28
  •  On February 28th 1859 - William B Chamberlin, Carlton B. Davis, Henry J. Heinen, John Murray, William Runkel, and Silsby Hayes of Northumberland County entered Farmer's High School, which is now the Pennsylvania State College.  They were the first 6 students at that institution. 
  • On February 28th  1870 - David Gibson of Washingtonville found frozen to death in the woods near that place.

Feb 29
Misc. February History

1899 - In February of 1899, M.L. Wagenseller was circulating a petition for a new station at Selinsgrove Junction, and also for a reduction in fare across the Selinsgrove bridge.

1830  - The first murder trial in Lycoming County in which there was a conviction was that of John Price for the murder of an Irish man named Miller, near Muncy Dam, about February 1830. The murderer was convicted and imprisoned for a short time. (However, Meginness, in his Book of Murders, says he was found not guilty.)  The second was for John Earls, who murdered his wife in 1835.

In February of 1958, Russel F. Yordy and son purchased the White Deer Beverage Company plant, located at 200 East 9th street, Watsontown, from John Ferguson.  The building where the plant was located was owned by L.M. Fromme.

In February 1919 the “Prison Special” tour began from Union Station in Washington, D.C.–with former prisoners traveling on a
train called the “Democracy Limited.”  Suffragist Kate Heffelfinger of Shamokin was one of the speakers.


In January of 1923, the Miltonian ran several pages recapping the news of the prior year.

This is what they had to say about February 1922:


Daily Gazette and Bulletin (Williamsport, Pennsylvania)
February 15, 1875

Our Neighbors - Union County

There are large numbers of the English Sparrows in Lewisburg.

The solid men of New Berlin are about to establish a bank in that place.

The next term of the Freeburg Normal school will commence Monday, May 3d.

A Y.M.C.A. has been organized in Mifflinburg, and seventeen persons signed the constitution of the first meeting.

The boot and shoe store of W. Zern, Hartleton, was broken into on the night of the 7th inst., and his entire stock was stolen.

S. P. Fink of Shamokin, formerly a teacher at Lewisburg, is among the candidates for county superintendent of Northumberland county.

Rev. Crawford, of Newport, Perry county, has been secured as pastor of the Reformed church of Lewisburg, and will enter upon his duties in March.

The burglars who robbed the house of Adam Grove, near Mifflinburg, on the 4th inst., got off the cars at Rockville, a few miles this side of Harrisburg. The conductor recognized them, as they had come up with him from Harrisburg the day previous.

The Lewisburg wagon and railroad bridge was discovered to be on fire by the train hands as they were returning from the junction, Tuesday afternoon. The timely application of water prevented a great loss. It had caught from engine sparks when the train went to the junction.

The following officers were elected at the meeting of the Buffalo Valley Horse Protection Association, for the ensuing year: Elias Brown, president, Elias Miller and Jacob B. Kelley, vice presidents; john Reber, secretary; John F. Schrack, treasurer. The president appointed T. C. Strahan branding master.

Daily Gazette and Bulletin (Williamsport, Pennsylvania) February 23, 1875

Our Neighbors - Union County

Joseph Boof was re-elected burgess of Mifflinburg.

A. M. Lawshe (sp?) of Lewisburg, is slowly improving in health.

A new post office has been established on the railroad ,west of Mifflinburg, called Swengle.

Joseph W. Shriner has been elected president of the Union County Agricultural Society.

Rev. William Creily, of Lock Haven has been elected pastor of the Lutheran church, Lewisburg.

Esquire Mertz has been a justice of the peace in Lewisburg for 30 years. He has just been again re-elected.

Rev. Crawford, of Newport, is to take charge of the reformed church, Lewisburg, about the first of April.

Tolls on the Lewisburg and Mifflinburg turnpike for the past year exceeded those of the preceding year by $300.

Notwithstanding the cold weather the ponds of the Mifflinburg Trent company have not been frozen over this winter.

There are no further particulars in the Grove robbery affair. One or more detectives have been engaged in the case.

An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Cornelius of Lewisburg, was discovered dead in its cradle on Friday morning of last week.

The Buffalo N. Roads Presbyterian church is supposed to be the oldest church organization in Union county. It dates back almost to the revolution.

George N. Youngman Esq., had held the office of justice of the peace in Mifflinburg for thirty-six years continuously, the first year by appointment of Governor David R. Porter. Full of honors, he now retires, his successor being B.

F. Eaton, Esq.


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